30: A Guide To First Dates

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how to: first dates


− Don't stress over it:

• If your all nervous and crazy it might go as well as you want it too. Relax. Be yourself

− Don't try to be someone else:

• You are perfect just the way you are. Don't feel like you have to act differently around them. If they can't except the way you are then, their dumb because their missing out.

− Find out more about them:

• Don't let the date be awkward! Ask about their family, other friends, school, music, anything! Find things you have in common.

− Be aware of what's going on:

• Some guys have different intention than you do. They could be players or perfect gentleman.

• Observe how he acts and deals with things before you go into a deeper relationship.

− Look them in the eyes:

• Don't look down the whole time. Show your confident and amazing, because you are.

− Show your humorous side:

• Make jokes and make them remember the date as really fun and enjoyable!

− If your a guy , pay for the date:

• Be a gentleman! If your a girl, offer to pay, but if he says no, offer to pay for yourself. If not then just let him pay. More pocket money for you

− Wherever you and your date plan to go, make it memorable:

• Be yourself, be confident, and I hope your first date goes well!

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