33: Tips On Babysitting

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how to: babysitting

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first thing you should do is make sure you're ready to babysit. do you feel comfortable being alone at home? do your parents trust you with responsibilities such as using the stove or oven and going on errands by yourself? think you can handle basic first aid dilemmas such as cuts and bruises?

before the parents leave, make sure you know the child's allergies, bed time routine, and if they have any TV & computer restrictions

make sure you know the parents phone #'s, where they're going to be, and any other emergency contact information

make sure all the doors and windows are locked, and when it starts to get dark turn porch lights on

don't babysit too many kids at once, you may think you'll make way more money, but it can be overwhelming

try not to feed younger kids hot dogs or hard candies because they can choke easily

never leave the child alone and frequently check on them once they've gone to sleep

plan fun activities based on the child's age. coloring books, painting, movies, board games, dancing, dress- up, singing, baking, painting nails, play dinosaurs, race cars, play on the wii, etc

don't stay on the phone the whole time, pay attention to the kids

make sure you know how to handle a tantrum. if they are having one, make sure their away from the stairs. let them tire themselves out

when trying to put the child asleep, sing a song, read a bedtime story, play music from your phone, or play the whoever goes to sleep first wins game

don't let the kid get into the medicine cabinet or under the sink, or put anything in their mouth

make sure you know how to change a wet diaper and a dirty diaper if you're dealing with babies

don't hurt the child (emotionally or physically), and make sure he/she has fun so the parents will hire you again

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