1st Day

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We hopped of the plane and ended up in Nashville🐴.

WTH the country?!

!Im from the city what am I doing in the country side.My mom said it would be better but i dont care I dont want to be out here.

As we hopped in this car my mom rented while we settled down we drove to our new house. So i guess the house is better than then the messed up apartments full with crack heads but Im still going to miss it.

We got to the house and it was really nice and big.It was blue! My favorite color which made me smile first time since I found out we were moving which was a month ago.😕

We got our luggages and found our rooms. My room was ready for me. Everything I ever wanted as my bedroom was there the house was full of furniture!

It made me smile but then smiling reminded me of Andrew😔 so the smile didnt last long..

I unpacked my stuff and sat on my desk.I put all of my perfume and pictures on the desk and I heard some laughing.

There is a window infront of my desk so I stood up and looked out the window and noticed some kids my age out there. I sat back down before they could notice me. Maybe they go to the school Im going to go to.



I turned off my alarm

Ugh first day of school at a new school in a different state

Im not ready😳

I got up,took a shower,brush my teeth,flattened my hair(my hairy is really curly and frizzy and THICK)that took me about 5 years😒 and then put my clothes on.I have to wear uniforms but I decided not to and act lik i didnt know.

I put my AE Gray Crop Top and my skinny jeans on with my blue Vans👌.

I was cute😊👌

Put my big hoops on and took a quick pic,sprayed that Armani perfume on and headed out the door.

My mom dropped me off since it was the first day and I headed to the door.Classes had already started.

Thank God🙏!!

I was in the guidance office and the guidance counselor Ms.Jones took me to my homeroom.

While walking to the class there was a tall,light skinned,tatted,guy walking in the hallway. He stopped in the hallway to tell Ms.Jones hell and kept looking at me.Ms.Jones introduced us "Hey my name Dayquan" "Hi I'm Isabelle" "Thats a beautiful name Isabelle see you around". Ms.Jones told me we actually had each class together I was a little happy because Dayquan is sexy.lol. I got to class and of course everybody was staring at me -_-

That was very uncomfortable

My teacher's name was Mr.Santiago. He's from Cuba.His kinda cute too. "Hola Isabelle,I'll be your homeroom/history teacher,you can sit by Abigail."

Abigail raised her hand so I could go sit by her.

Abigail liked to be called Abby so thats what I and everyone else called her.She was really nice and we kind of just clicked. She said I could sit by her at lunch. (Abby is a little taller than me,white,skinny,with blonde hair and really pretty)

"So I guess I'll show yhu to your locker after this class,yhu might need some help" "Oh ok thanks :)" " No problem"

I looked back and caught a glimpse of Dayquan his smile was sexy :P

*bell rings*

"Time to help you with your locker :D"

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