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Me:"Aye Chris who was that girl yhu know...?"

Chris:"Her name is Samantha."

Me:"Oh ok."

Chris:"Hurry up before yhu miss da bus!"

Me:"Oh shit I forgot."

I ran to the bus stop and saw Kalesha,Janai, and Larysha 😊.

Me:"Heyy gurls!!"



Kalesha:"Waddup Boo!"

Janai:"Wat did yhu do yesterday?"

Me:"Nothin jus chilled out at home and text people. Wat bout yhu guys?"

Janai&Larysha:"We didnt do shit! -_-"

Kalesha:"I went to da movies 🙌"

Me:"oh cool. Here comes da bus."

*we hopped on da bus and I sat across from Dayquan as always*

Dayquan:"May I?"

Me:"Oh yeah"

Dayquan:"How yhu been?"

Me:"Good, wat about yhu?"

Dayquan:"Good, talked to yo fine ass ;)"

Me:"ahaha nawh."

Dayquan:"mhm ok,wat yhu doin ummm Friday night?"

Me:"Dont know yet."

Dayquan:"Well when yhu find out can yhu tell me if yhu busy?"

Me:"yeahh :)"

*we hopped off da bus and went to our lockers*

I saw Samantha (the girl who fucked my brother) and she looked at me with fear and walked away.

I grabbed my stuff and went to class. I had P.E. class so I needed gym clothes which of course I brought but with the guys in my class its hard to wear anything. So I had some basket ball shorts and a tank-top. I love the guys basket ball shorts cuz they're big and baggy.

I was just dribbling the ball and shooting , the usual. Then this kid Myles came up to me and asked to play one-on-one. His pretty good at basket ball and his cool. I always see him in the hallways checking out my friends and his kinda shy. His like a little kid.

Myles:"So how yhu like it here so far?"

Me:"I mean its cool and I have some really nice friends"

Myles:"Yhu sure do! Kalesha is too pretty"


Myles:"Dont tell her I said that"

Me:"I wont."

After PE class I went to Science Class with Mr.Smith. He put in a movie and everyone got in their groups and talked. Of course the girls asked about Dayquan and I.


Me:"So what, and Myles thinks your really pretty."


*Everyone in our group looked at Kalesha*

Me:"aha yeah"

Janai:"Whats the update with yhu and Dayquan?"

Me:"Nothing,we jus talk like normal people."


Larysha:"Wheres Abby & Kaitlynn?"

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