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We met up at Abby's house around 12pm like she said. I rode with Kalesha, Janai, & Larysha. Kearstin and Kaitlynn were already at Abby's house, they had a sleepover. We planned the day and headed to the mall. It was called Riverland Mall. It was huge and so cool! There was a bunch of my favorite stores like: Rue 21

Forever 21

Ralph Lauren


Very Bradley

Body Central


Betsy Johnson




I was in heaven!🙏

I also saw a bunch of fiinne dudes! OMG!

I went into the Nike store to get some new socks and sports bras. I was alone while the girls went Sephora across from Nike. I tapped a guy's shoulder ,"hi um do yhu think yhu guys have this in my size." I wouldve asked a woman because it was a bra but they were all busy. The man turns around and yhu already know who it is.

Dayquan:" Heyyyy lil lady ;)"


Dayquan:"Yhu called me ugly yesterday that wasnt nice but yeah what yhu need help with?"

Me:" oh nothin I can wait"

*Dayquan snatches the bra out of my hand*

Dayquan:"So do yhu need a bigger size?"

Me:"ummm yeah :/"

Dayquan:";) ight what size beautiful"

Me:*blishing*"ummm it says Im gonna need a large"



Dayquan:"oh nothin. Yhu gon need help tryin it in? ;)"

Me:"nawhh I can handle mine."

Dayquan:"aha ok."

* I go to the dressing room to try it on and Dayquan follows*

Me:"Boy get out >:("

Dayquan:"Damn chill. Im jus gonna wait so if it doesnt fit i get the right size :/"

Me:"mhm ok, its kinda tight I think im gonna need xtra-large."

Dayquan:"Damn girl!"


Dayquan:"Nothin its jus XTRA-LARGE."

Me:"oh come on."

The other bra fit and he attended me at the register.

Dayquan:"Aye my lunch break is in 10 minutes, yhu wanna have lunch?"

Me:"Oh um Im with the girls :/"

Dayquan:"I dont think they'll mind :)"

Me:"I'll ask :)"

Dayquan:"Ight well just Kik me at (the_miracle_)

Me:"Ok :)"

Dayquan:"Bye Girl!"

Me:"ahahahaha. Bye..."

I went into Sephora and found the girls.

Abby:"I saw yhu ;)"

Kalesha:"OMG What happened?!"

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