The Letter

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I got home,ate,and took a hot bath. I hopped in the shower and sang to the song I was listening to."I dont need yhu,I dont need yhu,I dont need yhu,I dont need yhu, but I want yhu...."

I heard someone walk in the house it was my mom. My mom said we had to go somewhere she seemed upset but i finished my shower and got dressed. I start walking downstairs and saw a letter on the dining room table.I didnt know what it said. My mom grabs the letter and we head to a boot camp. She told me to wait in the car so I did. I saw her arguing with some man and then another man came and let us through the doors. We drove in and parked by in parking lot that was meant for visitation.

"Momma are we at a prison?"

"No hija, remember when Chris got sent to that 'camp' when you were nine years old?"

"Um yeah"

"Well this is the 'camp' and he sent us a letter,now were going to visit him"

"Are yhu serious?!"

"Isabelle I know your not happy"

"Hell no! He tried to hurt me! Im not going in there!"

"Isabelle just give him a chance yhu guys were young back then his a better person now"

"Ugh fine, I guess I can give him a chance it has been 6 years"

"Thanks mi hija"

We walked into the facility and I saw him there. Just sitting with a smile on his face. I've gotta admit it was nice seeing him.Its been so long and his home for me. We walked in the room he stood up and Mom ran into his arms and cried tears of joy. After she let go Chris and I just stared at each other and then I ran into his arms too and cried like crazy.

"I'm sorry for hurting yhu when we were younger Ive missed yhu so much I just-"

"Its ok Chris, Im just happy to see yhu again :)"

I gave him a big hug then a kiss on the cheek.

We talked to him for an hour then we got to take him home with us for a week. The supervisor said he was on good behavior so it was ok.

We went out to eat and then we got to the house. Chris and I decided to go bike riding. Chris knew the area so he should me around. Then we had to head back because it 8pm and my mom doesnt want us out at night. We live in the ghetto and since my mom doesnt know how it is out here at night she wants us home before 9pm.

We start heading back and I saw Dayquan.

OMG he lives in my neighborhood. Since I didnt ride the bus in the afternoon I didnt get to see who all lives in my area. I hope some of my friends live over here. Dayquan yelled at us calling my brother over to him.(they knew eachother :s)

Dayquan:" Waddup King C"

Chris:" Wassup D"

Dayquan:" How'd yhu get to come back out here in da streets bruh? Yhu snuck out?"

Chris: " Nawh bruh I got out for a week on good behavior plus my fam moved out here so I might get out earlier than expected."

Dayquan:"Ight cool bruh, aye who that?"

Chris:" thats my lil sis,AYE ISABELLE COME HERE"

Dayquan:"Aye she the new girl huh?"

Chris:" Yeah,Dayquan this my sis Isabelle"

Dayquan:"Waddup, I saw earlier in the hallway with Ms.Jones"

Me:" Oh yeah, I remember yhu"

*Dayquan starts checking me out and bites his lip*

Dayquan:" Yeah yeah ;)"

Chris:"Ight niggah well I gotta get home before momma go off on us, Dueces"

Dayquan:" Ight dueces cuh"

Me:" Bye :)"

Dayquan:" Bye ;)"

We start heading home and all I could think of is Dayquan's sexy smile and smirk.

We got home and mom made us porkchops with tostones.YUMMY!

Chris sat down ready for his food lik a little kid as I sat down next to him pouring my Kool-Aid in my fave blue Uncle Si cup. I poured his drink and mom brought the food to us.

"Enjoy your food :)"

Me and Chris:" Thanks Ma! :D"

Chris doesnt have any eatting manners when it comes to moms cooking, she has angel hands and they make the best meals ever!

Chris:"Oh ma this food is amazing!!"

Me:"Dang Chris calm down with your food you've aten two porkchops already! :|"

Mom:"Chris! Calm down lik Isa said. Siempre comindo de mas.(always eatting too much"

Finally after his 3rd poekchop he gave up -_-.


Chris:" Your just mad cuz I can wat more than yhu"

Me:"Ay dios mio(oh my god) his dumb ma"

Mom:" Isabelle!"

Me:"Sorry -_-"


After dinner I headed upstairs and read this note I found in my scrapbook by a picture of me and Andrew at our 8th grade school Formal.

The note:

Dear Isabelle,

I dont want to say too much because I know it'll make yhu cry. If your already crying I'm sorry. I just wanted to let yhu know that I miss yhu and love yhu with all my heart. Stay strong everything will get better and tell Chris I said hi. Make new friends and dont hide your feelings nor emotions. Your beautiful in your own way and dont let anyone tell yhu different. We all miss yhu over here and I especially miss yhu. Isabelle I love yhu and never forget to write letters, send pics, update statuses and call once in a while. Keep your promises and live life to the fullest. I love yhu baby <3

I always will


Andrew :-*

A tear dropped on the letter and I sat on my bed and cried. I needed that but at the same time I wish I hadnt seen it. I cried myself to sleep that night.

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