Back Then

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"What?! Your lying!!!" Chris tried to calm me down but it wasnt working. My mom was disappointed on how i was reacting to the news. Everything is going great and I know this is going to mess it up. It cant happen. Theres a reason Ive been avoiding him since we left. Idk what im going to do. I ran upstairs to my room and shut myself in there. I put my phone on silent and put it face down in my draw next to my bed. I just sat on my bed and in that I moment I looked up and saw the letter. I read it and cried. I was reminded of all the memories we had and all I could do was cry. I felt like it was the first day again. I cant be feeling like this. Im happy where I am, I fit in, I have friends, TRUE friends, and my boyfriend who loves me and claims to take care of me even tho its me who takes care of him. I still love him but I love Dayquan too. Why does this have to happen. Idk wether to tell Dayquan or not. If I dont he'll get jealous and pissed and if I do he'll still be the same. Ughhh!

Why is this happening to me?!! What am I gonna do, Dayquan is gonna try to hurt somebody or do somethin. A week went by and everything was getting even better which is worse. Dayquan's dad left and is in jail for life, he moved back and and they fixed the house. I got to come over and spend the night which wad really fun because we went out and had a great ending to that day. Kalesha might be moving in but is trying to stay home cuz thats her family of course. Janai and Larysha are coming over this weekend and so i s Kalesha and were gonna have a girls night out and Janai finally got the car shes been wanting so we dont have to ride the bus. Momma is getting a raise so yo girl is getting new Jay's!!! Everything is going great but I feel the bad stuff happening already. Hopefully this weekend goes well so I forget about next week.

It was Saturday and I went over to Janai and Larysha's so we could go to the movies. We waited to Kalesha got there and then we all headed to the movies. We went to the movie theater connected to the mall so we could walk around afterwards. We went to go see About Last Night and it was hilarious. We then walked to Forever 21 and went shopping!!!


Princess:"I found some nice shirts come ova here so yhu can try them i wanna get them for yhu."

Prince Lightskinn:" Bae yhu dont have to."

Princess:"Cmon Dayquan"

Prince Lightskinn:"Ight I get off in 12 mins I'll meet yhu there."

Princess:"Thank Yhu!"

I waited for Dayquan as the girls ran around the store lookin for stuff. Janai came up to me and we just talked till he came.

Janai:"So how are things going?"

Me:"Good I guess"

Janai:"Yhu look upset. Why?"

Me:" A certain somebody is coming, yhu know."

Janai:"Oh shit!"

Me:"Yeah and im really nervous and so scared."

Janai:"Ok well we gon talk more at the house cuz this isnt really the place to talk bout that."


Dayquan came to the store and we shopped around. We checked out and went to get some ice cream with the girls.

Laryha:"Ya'll so cute. i swear!"

I smiled and giggled.

Dayquan:"Im cuter tho!"

Larysha:"Nawh nawh"

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