The Bus

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I woke up in the morning in a pissy mood most likely because of the letter.I quickly got dressed,fixed my hair,and ran downstairs to grab some Kool-Aid and an apple.YUM.

Mom:"Morning Isa! Have a great day!!"

Chris:"Bye Shorty, be good!"

Me:"Bye guys. Love ya too!"

I ran to the bus stop and what do yhu know Kalesha was there!

Kalesha:"Hey gurl!"


Kalesha:"Aye look there come Janai and Larysha! Hey boos!"


Me:"Hey guys :)"

Kalesha:"We didnt know yhu lived out here."

Me:"Oh yeah."

Janai:"Aye gurls here comes the bus"

Larysha:"Isabelle dont stare at anybody cuz they crazy."


I hopped on da bus and it was full. Everybody grabbed their seats and there was only two spots left. There was one next to Dayquan and another seat all by itself. I sat in the one that was alone that was across from Dayquan's.

*5 mins later*



??:"Gurl dont act lik yhu dont know me"

It was Dayquan.

Me:"oh heyy"

Dayquan :" Hey gurl"

Dayquan came and sat by me.

Dayquan:"so how yhu lik it so far?"

Me:"its chill"

Dayquan"cool cool it just takes some time to get used to."

Me:"yeah I guess it does"

Dayquan:"Dont worry lil girl,yhu gon fit right in. :)"

Me:"hehe,okay,hopefully. :)"

Dayquan:"Trust me ;)"

Me:"Ight :)"

We got to the school and headed inside.Kalesha,Larysha,& Janai ran towards me.


Janai:"OMG he is soooo finnne!"


Larysha:"ya'll crazy''

Me:"He knows my brotha and I saw him yesterday in the afternoon."


After that we headed to Science class.First class of the day. The only girl from our group not in that class is Larysha. She was in History class but we all had math together. The bell rang and everyone ran in. Mr.Smith is the teacher and his very relaxed. He doesnt care what we do aslong as he doesnt have to do anything. I hate teachers lik that -_-.

Janai:"So who tryna go to the mall Friday cuz I need a ride"

Abby:"I am,jus come by house in da morning around 12 cuz I sleep late."

Kearstin:"Sweety thats the afternoon."


Everybody:"What happened?"

Kaitlynn:"I forgot to feed my dog this morning :/"

Kalesha:"Mann I thought it was somethin serious."

Me:"Dogs can go a full week without eatting aslong as they have water."

Kaitlynn:"Oh ok so my dog is gonna be fine"

Abby:"aha your crazy."

Janai:"Aye did ya hear about that fight thats supposed to go down today?"

Kearstin:"oh yeah! Its gonna go down in da gym when we headed to math. :/"

Me:"Well I need to grab my book from my locker"

Kalesha:"I like this girl"

*Everybody starts gigglin and me and Kalesha have our own conversation*

Kalesha:"Hey gurl"


Kalesha:"Just cuz your new dont mean yhu dont fit in"

Me:"I know"

Kalesha:"Just be yourself cuz all of us girls like yhu already"


Kalesha:"Yeah! So be yourself we all crazy anyways"

Abby:"Aye gurls! All ya come to my house at 12 on Saturday."

Kalesha:"We would love it if yhu could come."

Me:"I'll ask."

Kalesha:"We can ride together."

Me:"Okay :)"

The day went on and it was time to go home. I got to see who all was on my bus. The only girls not on my bus were Kaitlynn, Abby, & Kearstin. They lived downtown. Abby lived with her sister in a penthouse , Kaitlynn lived in a studio apartment with her crazy mom, & Kearstin lived in an apartment by herself i dont know why tho.

Everybody hopped on the bus and we headed out North. The ride was calm nothing lik New York. In New York its loud and there is no peace and quiet in da bus not even in the morning. But it was really nice. The peace and quiet was nice and cooling. The fresh air from the window was real nice.

??:"Can I sit by yhu?"


It was Dayquan


Dayquan:"Nun jus chillin. Yhu?"

Me:"Listening to music"

Dayquan:"What song?"


Dayquan:"ooh can I hear?"

Me:"aha! Sure."

We got to the bus stop and Kalesha said to come chill with her. We went to a center called Looby. It was real cool and all the guys were checkin us out.

We went to the gym to dribble and watch the guys play basketball. Dayquan came in the gym and he came up to me.

Dayquan:"Hey Shawty ;)"

Me:*blushing* hehe heyy"

Dayquan:"Watcha doin?"

Me:"What it look like?"

Dayquan:"Like yhu wanna play some one-on-one"

Me:"Your on!"

We played basketball and then it was time for me to head home.

Dayquan walked me home :)

Dayquan:"Aye yhu real pretty yhu know."


Dayquan:"Yes yhu are! Im bein honest!"

Me:"Hehe thanks"

Dayquan:"Anytime ;)"

Me:"Well this my house, so see ya tomorrow! :)"

Dayquan:"Tomorrow Saturday :/"

Me:"Oh forgot"

Dayquan:"Aha its ok, I might see ya tomorrow tho"

Me:"True well see ya."

Dayquan:"Bye Beautiful ;)"

Me:"Bye ugly ;)"


I walked inside the house with the biggest smile on my face. Dayquan is so sexy and kind. OMG! I see why the girls like him. Oh but I miss Andrew too. If I could go back to New York I still would tho!

Man that was a great day!

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