Chapter 1: Seahorses and Cows

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~December 13, 2015~

Shawn's POV

With a smile on my face, I skipped into the automotive shop and into the back garage where he would be. His sandy blonde haired appeared from beneath a car and his grey eyes looked to me and shined after watching me laugh.

"Hey Shawn." He smiled getting up to wipe his hands on the already dirty towel hanging over his shoulder.

After his hands were clean, he bent down to kiss me and I couldn't help but smile. The only thing that bothered me was the scent of oil on his clothes. It gave me a sickening feeling thinking of how my mom died but I couldn't push her in front of my boyfriend right? I mean Noah was working so he could make a living and my mom was dead.

I couldn't just tell Noah, 'no you can't work here because it reminds me too much of my mom'. Ugh the complications of life.

I felt two arms wrap around my waist and a head rest on my shoulder. Amusedly, I looked over and saw that Joey, Noah's older brother and also like my own brother, smiled at me.

"How you doin' Shawn?" He asked as him and I walked over to the break room where Pepper, their Bernese Mountain dog, was chilling out. He had his red balls in his mouth and his paws on a squirrel?

"Good and is that a squirrel?" I asked incredulously.

"Yeah. He uh-he caught it." Joey laughed as we sat down. Pepper barked and went back to chewing on his ball. A few minutes later Noah walked back in with a huge grin.

"So are you ready?" He asked holding my hands. I looked at him confused and realized he was talking about going to the carnival. Nodding, I wrapped my black scarf once more around my neck and took Noah's larger hand in mine.

He helped me up from the chair and said goodbye to everyone before leading me out to his black corvette. After we were in and seated, he took off towards the carnival grounds.

I looked down at my pale pink dress with white leggings and a blue denim jacket. I had on my black coach high tops and my silver key necklace my dad gave me. My british flag bag sat at my feet with my phone and wallet inside.

"Noah?" I asked taking his hand. He looked over to me and smiled.

"Yeah babe?" He asked going around a slower black mini cooper.

"Do you love me?" I asked looking out the window. I turned to look at him when he squeezed my hand. His gray eyes didn't look into my blue rimmed hazel eyes until he had stopped at a red light.

"I love you so much more than it is possible." He grinned pecking my lips.

Could he get even more perfect? I gave him a kiss and it lasted until some car behind us honked for Noah to go. Noah being the road rage driver he is, flipped the guy off and didn't go until the light had turned yellow making the car wait another whole red light.

"Gosh some people don't know what love is." Noah mumbled smiling towards me. We finally made it to the Carnival where we would spend the rest of the day. The two of us got out and headed up the hill to the carnival. It lit up the darkening sky and what made my smile widen even more was the Ferris Wheel in the background.

"Can we go to the ferris wheel?" I asked him while we made our way to the large circular ride. Noah just smiled down at me as we made our way to one of the most romantic rides to me. The line wasn't long and it wasn't short, so it took us maybe fifteen minutes to get on the ride.

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