Chapter 10: 'Little Things' and 'Gone with the Wind'

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~December 16, 2015~

Niall's POV

She fell limp into my arms. Her blonde hair fell in front of her face and with every short breath she took, it blew up only to land back in her face. I picked her back up bridal style and ran as quickly as I could to where I was supposed to meet the lads and the bodyguards. Paul and Shawn's two bodyguards saw me. One of Shawn's bodyguards ran up to me and took her.

"Niall, what happened?" Paul asked.

"I don't know. We were all having fun in the club. Her and Dani went to go dance and then Dani came back crying saying that she lost Shawn. I got mad and stormed off to find her. Shawn was crying in between two men so I had Harry and Zayn get the guys off her while I brought Shawn outside."

"She was sweating terribly so I thought some fresh air would help. I sat her on a rail and asked if she was ok. She stuttered and I got scared when she started breathing rapidly so I told her to stay with me but she fainted. And now here we are." I rushed out as Shawn's bodyguards were calling people.

"Niall, you gonna come?" The taller bodyguard asked. I nodded and got in as he set Shawn on my lap. The two guys got in the front and took off to wherever we were going.

"Niall, I'm Ivan and this is Harvey." The shorter one of the two said.

"Paul is gathering the others up and then they are going to join us at the hospital. Thank you for finding Shawn." Ivan smiled and then went back to talking quietly.

We arrived at the hospital in no time and a few people were standing outside. The back door was opened and I slid out with Shawn limp in my arms. Nurses guided me to a gurney and had me set her on it. An oxygen mask was placed over her mouth while two male doctors checked up on her.

They started rushing her in and for some reason I felt like I had to go with her. My phone buzzed just as a nurse told me I couldn't go any further.

"What?" I snapped answering the call.

"Calm mate. Where are you?" Liam's voice asked.

"I'm at the hospital already. Where are you guys?"

"We just arrived. Paul says for you, Ivan, and Harvey to meet us in the waiting room. Morgan and Diane are almost here with the rest of the staff that came with Shawn."

"Ok, we are on our way." I said hanging up and following Harvey and Ivan. I have to say they were really nice despite their daunting looks. We walked into the lobby and Danielle came running up to me. She threw her arms around me in a hug and just cried.

"Niall, thank you." She cried.

I frowned and rubbed her back trying to calm her down. Liam came over and pried her off of me and lead her back to a seat. Eleanor was asleep on Louis' lap and Louis had also fallen asleep. Harry and Zayn walked over to me and the three of us just stood there.

We watched as Diane and Morgan Liastry burst through the doors followed by two more buff guards. After those two came in a woman and two men followed.

"Mr and Mrs Liastry she is ok." Harvey said guiding them to a chair.

"Mate you ok?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah, just kind of hungry and thirsty." I sighed. Harry walked over to Paul and whispered something in his ear and then came back over.

"I told him we would be in the cafeteria." Harry said as Zayn and I followed him to the lift. Before the lift doors could close Liam, Danielle, Louis, and Eleanor, who was being carried by Lou, piled in. The ride down to the cafeteria was quiet and it stayed that way as we exited the lift, entered the cafeteria, got our food, and ate.

"I'm gonna go see how Shawn's doing." I said pushing out from the table and taking my trash to the trash can. I went back through the line and bought a water bottle before I went back up.


"Hey." She giggled pushing my chest a bit.

"Come on. Just once. One tiny little peck and then we can call it quits." I smiled grabbing her hand and pulling her back into me.

"Fine but then we have to stop before someone catches us." She whispered leaning in. Her lips touched mine and it felt like every time I touched her but multiply it but 100. Sparks flew every which way, bolt of electricity ran through my veins, I was losing my mind and it was all because of this one girl. She pulled away and leaned her forehead on mine.

"Wow." I whispered snaking my arms around her waist.

"I could say the same." She whispered back, pulling on my shirt and making me lose my balance. We fell onto the bed and laughed.

I pulled her into my chest and laid with her singing Little Things to her. Her eyes fluttered close and her breathing regulated. My eyes were closing and I fell asleep with the love of my life next to me.

My eyes flew open and a bright light shined right into them. Once they adjusted to the light I remembered I was in the hospital room with Shawn.

The tv was on and Shawn was sitting up in bed and had a tray of food, placed on the movable table, in front of her. I sat up and yawned getting for comfortable in the seat.

"Good morning to you." A warm voice laughed. I looked over to Shawn and smiled as she muted the tv show she was watching.

"Sorry I was going to try and stay awake but-"

"Thank you." She smiled. My heart beated twice as fast when she smiled. The dream felt so real and I wanted it to be real. The only question was: why was I feeling this way about a girl I just met?


The doctor came in shortly after Shawn had finished her turkey sandwich, jello, and green beans.

"Hello Shawn. How are you feeling?" He asked walking over to one of her monitors.

"Better than before." She smiled warmly.

"Good to hear. So Morgan and Diane left this for you-" He said handing her an envelope. "-and Lucana and Whitmore are outside. Danielle, Eleanor, and the rest of the lads are on their way here."

"Thanks. You can tell Lucana and Whitmore to come in." She smiled turning the volume on the tv back on.

"What are you watching?" I asked my attention on the movie that was playing.

"Gone With the Wind. It is one of my favourite movies. My mom, sister, and I always watched old time movies while my dad was at work during the night. This was our favourite." Shawn smiled and then put her attention back on the movie. The door leading into the room opened and the woman and one of the men from last night came in.

"Hi swee-" She shut her mouth and looked at the tv. The two of them walked over to me and smiled. "Hi I'm Lucana, Shawn's maid. This is Whitmore, Shawn's butler."

"Hello." I smiled shaking each of their hands.

"How long have you been here son?" Whitmore asked.

"I stayed the night but I didn't mind." I smiled. "You guys can go and get breakfast. I'll stay with Shawn since she is getting let out in an hour."

"Ok, thank you-"

"Niall." I smiled.

"Thank you Niall." They smiled before leaving. Once they left I turned my attention back to the movie and waited for when the doctor said she was free to go.


Picture:  Niall

Video:  'Breathe'~Chyler Leigh

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