Chapter 7: Sweatpants and Tee-shirts

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~December 16, 2015~

Shawn's POV

"So are you guys staying here too?" I asked as Dani, El, and I walked towards the hotel I was staying at.

"Yeah. What room are you in?" Dani asked.

"Actually, I am on the eighth floor that has only two suites." I smiled, but just as El was about to say something cameras went off.

"Are you freaking serious?!" Dani groaned pushing me through the door.

"Who were those people?" I asked as we went in the elevator.

"Paps." Is all they said before it went awkwardly silent. It wasn't the nice kind where we just thought, it was the kind that nobody wanted to break the ice. But I loved doing that.

"So how about this weather." I smile cheekily as the girls break out laughing.

"Wow if you had met the boys before us I don't think they would ever let us meet you." Dani smiled as the door opened on the eighth floor. All three of us stepped out and squealed.

"Floor buddies!!" We screamed only to end up laughing. No one could shush us because we were badass bitches. Well, I was.

"Do you guys wanna order pizza and hang in my suite?" I asked unlocking the door. Lucana was on the couch and waved at me from it.

"Oh Lucana, this is Danielle and Eleanor. El and Dani this is Lucana one of my maids." I smiled.

"You have your own personal maid?" Dani asked.

"Well, they are hired by my parents." I shrugged and let them in even though they never really said yes. So would this be considered kidnapping or not? Whatever they aren't protesting.

"Ciao Danielle. Hello Eleanor." Lucana smiled. Danielle looked down, her cheeks a little red.

"I am sorry, I don't speak very good Italian. But Ciao." Dani smiled.

"That is ok. But Shawn here has been learning." I shrugged and pulled the two girls towards my room.

When we got there Ace came bounding over to me with his white bone all chewed up and slobbery. The girls smiled and bent down to pet him as I got us all clothes. I felt really lazy so I just got us each a pair of sweatpants and one of my many concert shirts. I handed El my ACDC shirt and Dani my Evanescence one and I took my Black Veil Brides one.

We slipped them over our now dry swimsuits before getting in my bed and turning on a movie. I seriously had no interest so I just drifted to sleep.


"Shawn, wake up." The girls squealed pulling me up off of the warm bed. I glared at both of them before dropping to the floor and curling into a ball. There was movement around me and within seconds I was more cold than I ever wanted to be and also soaked with water.

"Ok, ok I am up." I groan and stand up with their help.

"Ok, now go put on a swimsuit. Do you want to come and pick up the lads with us?" Eleanor asked with a huge smile on her face.

"I can't. Since tonight is the concert I have practice all day and Simon doesn't want me meeting them until they get to the venue. Or maybe it wasn't until tomorrow morning. Either way I can't. Call me when you get there though and I will tell you what's up." I wave as my two new best friends leave to go get their boyfriends and their friends.

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