Chapter 11: Pranks and Bets

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~December 16, 2015~

Shawn's POV

 I was being pushed around in a wheelchair against my will. They told me it was hospital policy. The worst part in this whole thing was that Louis got to me first. So right now here I am holding onto the armrest while Louis is pushing me and the others lads are helping. Eleanor, Danielle, and the guards are trying to get them to stop.

"Louis, please stop before I faint again." I mumble, squeezing my eyes shut. The wheelchair stopped and I would have ended on the ground if I wasn't holding on.

"Thank you." I gasped.

"Lads in the bus now. We will wheel Shawn down." Paul nodded for the boys to go. Danielle and Eleanor walked with me until we finally got outside the hospital where I was allowed to get out of the fucking wheel chair.

"Ok, I got this." I smiled standing up and walking to my home for the next few months. The door to the bus was locked so we had Paul come and unlock it. The whole bus was silent and it looked like nothing had been touched. My suitcase was on the very top bunk, of the last set of bunks, on the left.

Danielle was right below me in the middle bunk and Eleanor was below her on the floor bunk. The boys suitcases were on beds and we decided to see where everyone was. Louis was on the bottom bunk, on the floor across from Eleanor. Liam was above Louis in the middle bunk and Niall was above Liam on the top. Great just my luck. Zayn and Harry had the couches and I am guessing the five boys will have a sleeping schedule on when they get the bunk.

"Where are the lads?" Eleanor asked coming out of the bathroom with her hair now in a ponytail.

"I don't but I have a bad feeling about this." Danielle frowned.

I saw water balloons and the nozzle thing to fill them up on the counter in the kitchen. With me on the bus those boys will have to be extra careful. I knew Chris wasn't in on this because he had to go back with Morgan to do the movie.

There was shaving cream on the counter in the bathroom so the boys already came in. What a perfect time to show who is the prank master. Since shaving cream was to easy to get out I decided on something more sticky.

"Girls, can I have a little help?" I smiled.

We were stuck here in the hospital parking lot for two hours and the boys haven't come back. Paul and Harvey were looking for them and Ivan stayed with us girls. He is actually helping us with the prank.

Right now we were hiding in the bushes near the bus and we could hear them. I nodded and held up one finger as the girls smiled and ran around to a set of different bushed. I adjusted the bandana on my head and made sure my black marks on my cheeks were visible.

Once I saw their feet I shouted go. Ivan, Danielle, Eleanor, and I all popped out of the bushes and were met with water guns and balloons.

"Rookie mistake number one: don't mess with me and always clean up after yourself." I smiled throwing a water balloon at Niall. Louis and Liam were next since El and Dani got them. Zayn and Harry screamed and dropped what they had running to the bus.

Ivan was in front of the doors and got Zayn and Harry. Right now all five boys were covered in maple syrup and us girls were covered in shaving cream and feathers. Kudos to the boys since they actually had a good idea. Because, as I know from experience, drains and feathers don't mix well.

"Rookie mistake number two: don't let your guard down." Someone said and all of the sudden I was drenched in cold water. I turned around and Harvey high fived Louis and Harry. The act of being a snobby rich girl came in handy at times like but I don't want the lads to find out about that side of me yet.

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