JT. 7

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I think this nigga thought I didn't peep him watching DJ the entire time we were in Footaction, but I kept seeing him glance in his direction. As I've said before we've not really be public with our relationship so allot of people think we're just friends. So seeing him glancing at DJ made something inside me click. He just doesn't know DJ is mine and only mine.

I pay for our sneakers and leave the store. "DJ where you want to go next" I asked as he had his was paying more attention to his snap then me. I quickly jumped behind him making silly faces and he kept recording as we just wild out for Snapchat. I think that's one of the reasons I love my DJ so much is because we're best friends first.

After sending the snaps to his story we decide to go in a couple stores we passed. DJ grabbed a few things and so did I so we both ended up with several bags in our hands when we finally decided to leave. "Babe thanks for the sneakers. You know I could've bought them myself. I do have my own money remember" he tells me as we put our things in the trunk. "You know I like spoiling you DJ so it's no problem" I say while leaning in to steal a kiss but he looks at me funny and walks away. I'm left standing there like a fool wondering what just happened. I shake my head and get into the drivers seat and look at DJ who is also looking at me with a puzzled look on his face. "What was that JT? You can't be doing that shit in public. What do you think people will say, your teammates, hell the entire student body if the knew their star basketball player was gay" he says looking at me. "Fuck then DJ. You're my man and I could careless what anybody thinks about me. I only care about what you think" I say grabbing his hand. "Look I'm not going back in the closet so I think it's time we stop hiding this... us I said pointing my finger between him and I. I'm not ashamed of who I am so niggas will just have to except me or not" I said leaning over to kiss his lips. "I love you JT" he said after we pulled out of the mall parking lot.

"Alright fellas tomorrow is our first game of the season. I've seen allot of improvement over the last week and I impressed with what I see" coach tells us as we end practice for the day. "Hit the showers and I'll see you all tomorrow." I make my way into the locker room and get my stuff so that I can shower. Tyson walks by and looks at me. We still haven't really talked since that shit happened a few weeks back. But I don't know how much longer that will last. He's like the only person I really fucks with here. I hit the showers cleaning off the day of practice and leave. But of course before I can pull off Tyson's knocking on my window. I close my eyes and take a deep breath and open my car door stepping out.

"What's up JT" he says sounding nervous. "Look I'm sorry for the shit that happened. I can't say that it was a mistake because I'd be lying to you and myself. I don't know what came over me that day but it happened and I just want our friendship back" he said looking me dead in the eyes. I swear I seen a hit of lust in his eyes but hey this dick belongs to DJ.

"Bro it's cool I'm over it but don't try that shit again. You know DJ is crazy as fuck" I said as we both start laughing. "Let's just get this win tomorrow my nigga" I said after a few minutes of us standing there looking at each other. We dapped each other up and left.

On the way home I stopped to get some gas and the dude who was at the mall watching DJ yesterday came walking out of the store towards to car beside me. I looked at him once he started pumping his gas and it was something about him that didn't sit right with me. So the petty nigga I am I asked him what's up. "Yo your the dude who had the little party a while back right?" "Yeah that's me. JT right?" He said back. "Yeah that's my name, but I think you know that already. Look I peeped you looking at DJ at your party and then I seen you watching him yesterday in Footaction. Just so you know that's me so all that looking you be doing, just know that's all you'll ever be able to do" I said feeling my self becoming pissed. He just looked at me and started laughing like shit was funny. "Look playa if that's you then you better keep a close eye on his cute ass.... because I definitely got mine on him" he said smirking at me as he got in his car and pulled off. At that point I know I had to watch him.

When I got home DJ was cooking so I walked up and kissed him on the neck. "Hey babe" I said grabbing a chicken strip from the plate. I took a bite and went and sat down on the couch turning the channel to ESPN. DJ's phone was sitting on the table and a message came through from a number I didn't recognize. "Babe you got a message" I turn around telling him. He walks over and grabs his phone and opens the message. He stops and looks at me and I knew it was something because he gets this little look when his bothered. "What" I said as he continues to look at me. "JT what did you say to my TA today." I was confused so I told him I don't know what he's talking about. He sticks his phone out and I see a picture of that nigga from the gas station in the top left corner of is phone with a message saying "tell your little boyfriend this ain't what he wants." I look at DJ and tell him "stay away from that fuckboy. I don't trust him."

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