3 years later chapter 23

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Donnie's prov
Keira hasen't come back in three years and Leo is still sad about it. Raph keeps on going to the surface to see if Keira was out there but he never found her. The rest of us are still there for them and we are all praying really hard that Keira would come home.

Keira's prov
The past three years was so awesome, ever since I joined the foot, we have been training every day, going on patrols, and we joined the Purple Dragons. And tonight we are going to steal some parts for shredders armor from a warehouse. So we were gonna leave tonight.

Leo's prov
I was just sitting on my bed still crying about Keira when Zack came in to check on me.

"Mom are you sure your okay? "

"I'm sure Zack its just that I haven't seen your sister in years.

"What was my sister like? "

Well she-"

Then raph came running in.

"Leo its the foot the on the move!! "

Leo:"We'll talk about this later Zack com'on! "

We finally made it to the rooftops when we saw the foot leaving the warehouse and we made our move. I was about to do a glide kick when on of the foot soldiers put a force field over them and the same foot soldier high kicked me.

Leo:"Guys attack and try and to take out the magic one!! "

Then out of nowhere the punks came out and they helped us fight.

Keira's prov
I removed my cloak hoodie and I started to go for the kill. Then I found my target. Raphael. I started running towards him but I was blocked by Leonardo then he stopped for a second.

Leo:"K-Keira?! "

Zack:"Mom watch out!!"

He pushed him aiside and started going for me. Then I did what every girl would do. Kick him in his balls.
Then someone familiar started attacking me then I was just standing there.

Keira:"Rebel?! "

Then he looked at my neaklace.

Rebel:"Keira?! "

Rebel:"Is it really you! "

Then tiger claw told everyone to move out. I looked back a Rebel one last time and I left.

Rebel:"No wait! KEIRAAAA!!

Thank you all for reading my new chapter today and I hope you all had a nice day! See ya tomorrow dudes. Bai!

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