Its time chapter 7

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Leo's prov
Its been eight months and we were having a baby shower. Everyone brought gifts for the baby. But we still don't know what the gender of the baby but we will find out when its here. Scarlet brought little pacifiers for the baby and Donnie brought blankets.

"Thanks for the gifts guys I'm sure the baby will love them. "

"No worries leo now here open my gift. "

"Its a propeller bennie. "

"I just thought it would look cute on your babys head. "

"Oh thank you Mikey. "

"I brought little hair clippings but I forgot that it won't have hair. "

"Its OK scarlet but you never know if something big is happening and you never expected it to happen.

But raph was right something big did happen. I felt a liquid underneath me and I started to scream.

"Leo whats wrong!! "

"The baby! I think its coming! "

"Wait now? But its only been eight months. "

"Tell that to the baby!! "

"What the heak donnie? I thought it would come in nine months. "

"Yeah I did but I never knew it would come early. Now hurry and take leo to his room. "

Raphs prov
I quickly took leo to his room, set some towels, and removed his gear. I was scared to death.

"It OK leo donnie coming you'll be alright. "

"I hope so that way we could get this over with! "

Donnie finally came in and I hold Leos hand.

"OK leo are you ready? "

"I think so. "

"Raph I'm gonna need you to hold his hand so he can have a good grip. OK? "

"OK here we go now push. "

Leo started to push and hold my hand very hard but I just had to deal with it.

"This hurts so much. "

"Don't worry it will be over soon. "

Leo grabbed the front of my shell and pulled me closer.

"You did this to ME! "

"I'm sorry? "


"Please don't. "

(On the other side of the door)
Scarlets prov
Everyone including me, Mikey, April, Casey, and splinter were waiting and talking about leo and Raph's baby.

"Yay leo is finally having his baby. "

"And two months early too. "

"You think leo is doing alright April? "

"I'm sure they're doing alright Casey. "

Just then we heard leo screaming.

"What is donnie doing to him?! "

Donnie finally came out of the room and we all started to ask questions.

"How is Leo? Is he still Alive! "

"Relax leo geve birth to a healthy baby girl and they are doing fine. "

"A girl this is fantastic! "

"But wait could we go see it. "

"Let them get comfortable first. "

(Back In Leo's room)

"She's finally here. "

"She's so.....tiny. "

"She has you skin color and my blue eyes. "

"Wait she has hair! "

"Oh yeah but we still need to name her. "

"How about Alex? "

"Alex? Isn't it a boys name? "

"It can mean both leo. "

"Point taken Alex it is. "

Hello readers this chapter was very long but I hoped you liked it. Don't forget to follow me on wattapad and on Instagram. OK goodbye. I have school tomorrow so wish me luck because there are sixteen boys who hate me at school.  Bye.

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