Meeting My Family Part 1

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"Awww guys, I'm sorry. But, we do have this week together. Let's make the best of it!" I said confidently.

I led them into the castle and smiled to myself as they all pointed at details in the foyer. I couldn't deny that it was cool to live in a castle.

Our royal butler came to greet my friends and led us to their rooms. We arrived at Justin's room first, making Justin the first to go. His room had a view of the town. Julia's room was next and had a view of our gardens. Alfie's room was last, and his room had a view of our courtyard. Dinner was to served in the dining hall at seven. I was so excited for them to meet my real family.

I climbed the stairs and quickly changed out of my dress into comfortable sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Then, I went to the main floor and looked for the correct bookshelf in the dining room. After hearing the click, I slipped into the narrow opening of the hidden game room. Hearing laughing and videogame sounds, I walked in. Adam and Leo were battling on the Xbox. Hopping on the couch, I grabbed a spare controller and joined in on the fun.

Before we knew it, it was 6:30pm. Leo turned off the system and followed Adam and I out of the room.

"Do you guys always play videogames? Don't we have school?" I asked.

"We do have school, but it starts again in a week. So we're trying to play as much as we can before we get sent back to school." Adam replied walking into the foyer.

We all split up in separate ways to go to our rooms to get ready for dinner. I opened the door to my room and saw that Melissa, my stylist had already chosen a lavender gown for me. I went into my connecting bathroom to change. Once I came out, Melissa started fixing my hair and makeup.

"Do I need to be so dolled up?" I asked Melissa.

"Yes, especially when the King and Queen make an appearance." Melissa answered.

I sighed, relaxing into my chair. I had only seen my parents twice since I had arrived this week. Being one of their children, I hoped to meet them more often.

In this big castle, it seemed that they were never here.

Melissa motioned for me to stand up, so I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. The dress was pretty, and wasn't too extravagant for a simple dinner. My hair had been curled and pushed back from my face. I grinned and started down the stairs. Melissa informed me that my friends had been brought to the garden, where dinner was to be served. She helped me downstairs and told me the directions to the garden. I was excited to see my friends, but also hopeful that I would be able to talk to my parents.

I know its been a very long time since I've updated, but I've been really busy. Sorry :)
- Adi

 Sorry :) - Adi

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