My Second First Day of School

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I woke up a half an hour before my alarm was scheduled to go off. My feet ached from the heels I had worn yesterday, and my mascara had apparently not come off due to the state of my pillow.

I was nervous, even though I tried not to show it. I quickly touched up my makeup with some of the makeup Melissa had packed for me. It was, after all, my first day of school. I couldn't dare look like a slob.

My uniform had been laid out in my closet, and it consisted of a maroon blazer, a white shirt, and a navy blue tie. It was accompanied with a black skirt, but I was also given the choice to wear pants. A quick glance at the weather app on my new phone told me to pick the skirt.

My sizes had been sent by Melissa to the school prior to my arrival, but the skirt still fit me quite snugly. The weather was going to be in the high seventies, and I didn't want to be sweaty by the time I got to class, so I draped my blazer over my arm and headed out with my backpack.

As soon as I set foot into the hallway, I was hugged by a girl with a sharp black bob.

"The famed Adalyn Lillian Scott! It's such a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'm Cydni Ellis, great-granddaughter of the esteemed actress Barbara Ellis. I've been assigned to help you around the school. We share the same schedule, except for one class."

I shook her outstretched hand. Other students were seen exiting their rooms and leaving for their classes. Cydni handed me my schedule and a laminated map of the school. She had previously color coded the classes so I could figure out the layout.

Just a short while back, I had had my first day of school in another country. It felt weird, and I missed my friends dearly. But I was confident that I could make a couple of friends in this school as well. Adam had already shown me quite a few of them already.

"So, why am I famous again? When has being a princess from a small island country is so important. Its so weird that everyone knows me, and I don't know them." I asked.

"Well, you've been the talk of the school ever since school was off on break. It's not often we get new students. How was it? I mean, It must've been so fun to return back to the world you belong to."

"Honestly, I actually didn't know I was a princess. It was quite a shock, really. Plus, I really miss my friends from before."

"Well, I'm sure you can make new friends, now that everyone knows who you are. Plus, we have the schoolwide scavenger hunt today."

"The what?"

"The scavenger hunt. It's like a team-building thing we do every year. What do you Americans call it? School spirit? It's similar to that. We get put into pre-decided teams and we have to find certain books, statues, and classrooms to find hints to find the ultimate prize."

"What's the 'ultimate prize'?"

"To be crowned our grade's King and Queen. It's a strange tradition, but don't worry, I'm part of your team. We can check the full list in the lobby. But first you need to change into something comfortable. We won't be having our prescheduled classes today."

I led her into my room where she picked out a light blue t-shirt and some black cropped leggings. I quickly changed into them in my bathroom then followed her towards the elevator and then down to the lobby.

An enormous crowd had gathered around a couple of papers posted by the main desk. As soon as they saw me, they parted through. I almost rolled my eyes at the whispers, but I managed to keep my face blank.

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