We'll Always Have Bourbon Street

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Chapter 12: We'll Always Have Bourbon Street

Chapter 12: We'll Always Have Bourbon Street

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You have three options when you turn it on: You can wallow in your sadness from the cause of turning it off in the first place and the things you did while it was off , you can shut all of it out and hope that none of it will come back to haunt you , or you can just avoid anything and everything. Luckily for Amalia, she was dealing with options one and three. She never imagined the pain from before could ever grow deeper, but the second that it hit her all once again, she had been proven wrong.

Amalia exited the bathroom of the Salvatore residence, which Damon had offered for her to stay as she had come to the decision to sell her own house. Her hair was dripping wet, leaving small droplets of water on the wood of the floors as she hurried her way into her own room. However, she was stopped by the sight of Stefan Salvatore walking out of his room.

The moment he closed his door, he looked up and saw that she was standing there. "Oh. Uh... sorry."

"It's fine." She nodded, holding her towel up higher for more coverage as she stood there awkwardly waiting for either one of them to walk away.

"What are you--" He began to question why she was at his house, in a towel at that, but she quickly cut him off to explain.

"Damon said I could stay here... you know, until I have the whole vampire orphan thing figured out." She moved her eyes around the room, refusing to meet his gaze as she knew what it would do to her.

"Oh." He replied, unsure of what else there was to say or what his reaction should have been.

"Yep. Okay, gotta go. Bye." She spoke at a faster pace than usual before picking up her feet and scurrying past him, wanting nothing more than to escape having to endure one more second of the conversation they were due to have.


"You're awfully quiet." Caroline commented as the two of them entered the main hallway of Mystic Falls High School by each other's side. Caroline then turned to look at her best friend, who's eyes were forced forward. "Why are you quiet?"

"There's nothing to say." Amalia responded as she finally stopped at her locker, allowing Caroline to lean on the one beside her. "My father died, I turned off my humanity, I killed some people, and now I'm back. What else is there to talk about?"

"Maybe that awkward goodbye thing with Stefan the other night." Caroline reminded her of the atrocity she had to witness that was Stefan and Amalia's first encounter after her humanity switch was flipped back on.

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