A Bird in a Gilded Cage

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Chapter 55: A Bird in a Gilded Cage

Chapter 55: A Bird in a Gilded Cage

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MORTALS ARE BUILT TO HAVE EMOTIONS-- They're built to feel joy, excitement, sadness, anger, disgust, contempt, fear, love, even. But that's the kicker about vampires... all of those emotions are presented to them, heavier, but just as soon as they come, they can go just as easily-- All in which can happen with so much as the flip of a switch.

Amalia could hear muffled words coming from the living room as she stood in the middle of the kitchen, staring over a batch of muffins she had already managed to whip up to tidy over the stress that was overbearing her.

Giving into her curiosity, she lifted her hands from the countertop and brought them back to her sides before walking over to the living room, her eyes finding Stefan and Damon Salvatore as they stood there, both of them holding onto each other tightly.

"Stefan?" Amalia called out his name as her eyes scanned their body language, realizing that she probably couldn't have entered the room at a worse time.

"Well, if it isn't my fiancée. I see she told on me," Stefan looked back at the girl, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he registered her presence, "Shocker."

"Not a good time for a humanity flip, brother," Damon warned his brother before his eyes flickered over to the girl, sending her a nod and signaling for her to make another movement, only for Stefan to react by breaking his wrists, sending the vervain he had been holding to the floor.

"I suggest you both do yourselves a favor. Stay out of my way," Stefan challenged the both of them with ease as he adjusted the bag of weapons that had been hanging from off of his shoulder. He then looked up at Amalia, the corners of his lips turning up slowly as he looked over her appearance, "Oh, and by the way, honey-- You look good today."

Once she saw that he was distracted enough, she rushed towards the ground, grabbing onto the shot of vervain that the elder had dropped, only to find herself pushed up against the wall, Stefan keeping his hold on her throat, "You shouldn't have done that."

"Still did it anyway," She choked out, gasping for a breath as she felt his grip on her throat tightening by the second, taking away her breath more and more with each squeeze he gave.

"Look at you, being all brave. No wonder I used to love you," Stefan snickered a bit at his own words, almost as if he found it unbelievable that he ever could have felt such an emotion, "But that's just the thing, isn't it? I used to love you. So I don't think this is working out anymore. What do you think?"

"What I think is that you're choking me, which I might think is hot if you weren't ripper you," she breathed out, pausing every once in awhile to exhale and finding herself begging for a release, "Let me go."

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