Promised Land

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Chapter 41: Promised Land

Chapter 41: Promised Land

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"Quick question. How does one lose two doppelgängers?" Amalia called out as she walked through the door of the Salvatore Boarding House to find Damon Salvatore standing in front of a chair where an innocently looking old man was quite viscously chained up. "Okay. That might not be my only question."

"Bambi, right on time." Damon Salvatore grinned at her, not even bothering to acknowledge the scene before her or her reaction to it. "I'd like you to meet--"

"Mr. Sikes?" She cut him off before he could introduce the two-- one of them being unconscious, of course-- proving to him that she quite literally may have known everyone in Mystic Falls.

"So I take it you're already acquainted." Damon smirked at her in the way he always did, earning an eye roll from her.

"Well, he did help me open up my first savings account. He gave me some candy, too. Nice fellow." Amalia nodded along with the words that left her mouth, not even noticing the blank stare the Salvatore was giving her.

"Well, unfortunately, Mr. Sikes here is occupied by some low-life traveler. I saw him and his buddies chanting in the town's square last week. I also know that Markos and your traveler comrades are planning some big, flashy spell to undo some super-boring, ancient, witch curse. And where that sucks for us; it just happens to undo all witch magic, i.e. kill, me and my sexy short frenemy here." Damon looked back at her, and she shrugged her shoulders, taking the compliment.

"You heard the man. If you know where we can find our little doppelgänger friends, you need to tell us." Amalia joined in on the conversation, crossing her arms over her chest as she stared down at Mr. Sikes-- Well, the traveler.

"Yep. Sorry. You're going to have to speak up." Damon knelt down to look right into the man's eyes, fully aware of how Mr. Sikes wouldn't be able to say a word. With the rag in his mouth, and all.

"Did you catch that?" Amalia looked over at Damon as she attempted to listen in on the screams coming from the man's mouth.

"Nope. I don't think I did." Damon shook his head. "Come on, sweetie pie."

As Damon removed the bandage from Mr.
Sikes' mouth, he spit a little to the side so they would be able to hear him clearly. "It doesn't matter where Markos is. Nothing you do can stop him now."


After putting the rag back into Mr. Sikes' mouth as they had heard enough of his rambling of how powerful Markos was and how they weren't going to find Stefan and Elena (which was quite honestly the least terrifying thing he could have said) , they found themselves standing at the telephone together, Stefan and Elena on the other end. "Seriously? Collect calls are still a thing?"

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