O Come, All Ye Faithful

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Chapter 13: O Come, All Ye Faithful

Chapter 13: O Come, All Ye Faithful

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Now that Elena's sire bond was out in the open for everyone to know, the first order of business was to do whatever it would take to find a way to break it. The Salvatore brothers had visited New Orleans in hopes of finding more information on how they would do so, but without any luck, they returned to Mystic Falls just as they left. So, Stefan had decided to take matters into his own hands and ask the one person he thought might know something, considering he had dozens of sires himself: Klaus Mikaelson.

"Hate to interrupt what looks like a masterpiece in the making, but you do know you're just painting a giant snowflake, right?" Amalia's voice echoed throughout the room as her and Stefan walked into it to speak to none other than Amalia's glorious ex-boyfriend.

"I prefer to think of it as an expression of postmodernism. It's my donation to the Winter Wonderland charity event." Klaus informed him of his part in the towns newest charity event, which seemed a bit out of character for someone who could often be compared to the devil.

Just as they were about to get to the topic, one of Klaus' own sires, Adrian, walked into the room. "You said it was urgent."

"Yes, take this to Mystic Falls immediately." Klaus looked over at the hybrid, ordering for him to remove the painting from his possession.

"You want me to be a delivery guy?" Adrian asked, which Klaus didn't seem to like.

Klaus walked closer to him until their faces were inches away, threatening him with the lack of distance. "What I want is for you to do whatever I say. Without the attitude. And be careful with that. It's still wet."

As soon as Adrian left the room, Stefan looked back at his former accomplice from his darker days. "Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves, you know."

"What is the point of my hybrids being sired to me if I can't maximize on the benefits of free labour? Now, what are you two doing here?" Klaus questioned why they had decided to make quite an unexpected visit. "Not that I don't thoroughly enjoy your company, love."

Both of them ignored Klaus' comment towards Amalia, allowing Stefan to get straight to the point. "Elena is sired to Damon."

"I intuited as much." Klaus recalled the time he had hinted it to Caroline, which resulted in them figuring it out later that night.

"Which means I need to find the cure now more than ever. And yet, here you are making postmodern snowflakes." Stefan wasn't hesitant to comment on Klaus' wasted time in which he painted a snowflake with no purpose. Besides being charitable, which was a trait he lacked, of course.

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