I'll Wed You in the Golden Summertime

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Chapter 59: I'll Wed You in the Golden Summertime

Chapter 59: I'll Wed You in the Golden Summertime

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IT IS UNIVERSALLY BELIEVED THAT THE DAY YOU ARE WED TO THE ONE YOU LOVE IS ONE OF THE BEST DAYS OF YOUR LIFE, if not the best. A bride may wear the whitest of dresses, while a groom may put on his sharpest of tuxes, both of them running 'round the day of, nerves running through their veins in a way they never have before. Though there is something so comforting in tying the knot at last, a feeling one could decipher as the comfort of being completely and utterly in love that it knocks the wind out of you at times.

In preparation for such a monumental day, each of the girls had taken the initiative to attend to whatever needs were at hand, each of them offering their assistance in a certain task as they all attempted to ease the nerves of Josette Laughlin, soon to be Saltzman.

Jo walked into the room frantically, her eyes scanning every square inch of the library of the Salvatore Boarding House, panic rising in her body, "Crap, they're not here."

Elena looked up from the glass of champagne she had been pouring herself to see the clear anxiety attack the bride had been experiencing, confusion resonating within her, "What's wrong?"

"My shoes! My gorgeous, ridiculously expensive, wear-them-once-and-then-never-again shoes. They are missing," Jo explained, barely giving herself even a second in time to breathe.

"Do you want me to do a locator spell?" Bonnie offered, taking them all by surprise as they hadn't ever heard of such a thing in their years of experience the magic that the world had to offer.

"On my shoes?" Jo questioned as she continued on her rage of a panic, pacing around the room quickly. As Bonnie hummed a quick confirmation, Jo turned around once again to face the Bennett Witch, "Is that possible?"

"I don't know, actually. Just hang on, I got to figure out how to work this stupid thing," Bonnie paused as she helplessly tried to figure out the gist of the garment steamer she had been handed only a few minutes before, accidentally pulling out the hose that was attached to it, which didn't help with the wedding day freak out of the Bridezilla in the corner of the room.

"Oh, good, break it! Because my wrinkled dress will surely distract everyone from my bare feet," Jo exclaimed sarcastically. It wasn't that her intention was to sound the slightest bit rude where the Bennett was concerned, but more of that she was taking out her own anxiety on the rest of them.

"Hey, hey. Come on. Don't waste all your panic now! You still have eight hours until the ceremony," Elena looked over at the bride calmly before lifting up a glass, putting it forth in the woman's direction, "Non-alcoholic mimosa?"

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