Dead Man on Campus

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Chapter 29: Dead Man on Campus

Chapter 29: Dead Man on Campus

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Having to adjust back into world wasn't a simple a task. Especially since that even if you're gone, life continues to go on. And Bonnie Bennett wasn't any exception (besides the fact that she still had some contact to those that were living, but that's beyond the point). The girls had given her her space for the morning to unload and prepare herself to jump back into the land of the living officially, but as they walked back into their dorm room they found her videotaping herself.

"Oh, here they are. Hey, guys! Say hi to my mom!" Bonnie turned the camera around to face her friends, so they quickly waved. "They're planning me a welcome party. Just something, just low-key. I miss you. Please come visit when you get a chance. I'll, um, talk to you soon. Bye!"

"By the way, mom, I'm not a witch anymore because I died and then came back from the Other Side." Elena decided to mock Bonnie's explanation to her mother (or lack thereof).

"Yeah, I'm this supernatural anchor that connects the two worlds together, so..." Caroline picked it up where Elena had left out, allowing Amalia to do the same right after.

"Really I'm just a ghost that people can somehow see and touch, so... anyway..." Amalia finished it off, letting out a laugh as soon as she was done speaking.

"Okay, so I left out a detail...or two. I'll explain when she visits." Bonnie's eyes caught onto all of the decorations they were holding on to, "How big is this party going to be?"

"Well, let's see. Silas and Tessa are gone, and you finally aren't." Elena started off before looking over at Caroline.

"Which equals a massive cause for celebration!" Caroline looked so excited in that moment you would have thought she would start jumping and clapping her hands.

"Which equals massive college party with a massive amount of liquor... assuming that people actually show up." Amalia flicked her tongue, popping out a sound that revealed just how unsure she was of the attendance of anyone else, "And seeing as mine went radio silent after he kissed me, which resulted in Stefan going all psycho-maniac-ripper on him."

"And mine was last seen at a tea party for a vampire hating society." Elena looked back over at Amalia, handing the invisible microphone that allowed one to speak back over to her.

"The odds aren't great." Amalia finished off with a shrug that proved just how doubtful, but hopeful she was.

"Hmm...Augustine, right? The one who covered up your roommate's death and wants you kicked off from campus." Bonnie stated, which shocked all of them as to how she knew that. "What? I've kept up! The Other Side is boring. What else am I supposed to do?"

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