Hated Family's POV

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*The next morning*

(Ruby's POV)

I wake up to smell something delicious coming from the kitchen and see my daddy cooking breakfast.

"Hi daddy!"

He then turns to look at me and happily says.

Tai: "Morning sweetpea. How's your lap?"

"It's healed from last night."

I stated, remembering what happened.

Tai: "That's good. Can you tell (Y/N) to come inside? I think he's been out long enough."

I put on my winter clothes and go outside to find (Y/N).

"(Y/N)! Where are you?"

I asked but got no answer.


I then checked all around the outside the house and even in the hiding places Yang showed me but I still couldn't find him. Worried, I ran back inside.

"Daddy! I couldn't find (Y/N), and I looked everywhere!"

His eyes went wide and he quickly put on some winter clothes while telling me.

Tai: "If (Y/N) comes back make sure he stays ok?"

I quickly nod while he finishes and runs outside.


I just lightly cry to myself, wishing that (Y/N) would come home safely.

Summer: "Ruby what's wrong? Where's your father?"

I try to speak between the sobs.

"(Y/N)... *sobs* he's... *sobs* he's... *sobs*"

Summer: "He's what honey?"

"He's... *sobs* gone... *sobs*"

S/Q/R/Y: "What?!"

I then notice that everyone was there.

"He's gone."

I state while Qrow puts on winter clothes.

Raven: "What do you think you're doing Qrow?"

Qrow: "I'm going to find my son, that's what."

For the rest of the day we stayed inside hoping that they had found him, and when they came back we thought they found him.

"Where's (Y/N)?"

I happily ask. Only to be told.

Qrow: "we couldn't find him."

We all put our heads down in shame and begin to remember everything we did to him, and slowly we all start crying.

'I hope your safe brother. I miss you.'

Burning Hatred (Abused and Neglected Male Reader X RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now