The Raven

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You had woken up with a pounding headache while feeling nauseous and saw that you were late to Oobleck's class.

"Meh. What do I care?"

You then teleport to the class you were supposed to be in and the teacher looked pissed.

Oobleck: "Where have you be-"

His eyes then widened.

Oobleck: "What happened to you?!"

You then looked down and saw you were covered head to toe in blood.

"No clue."

Oobleck: "How don't you have any clue?!"

You then looked at him.


Oobleck: "What? I didn't yell."

"Then why are you so loud? Does anyone know what happened to me?"

Kaori: "You don't remember anything you did last night, do you?"


The class looks at her for an explanation.

Kaori: "Do you want the long or short version?"

Oobleck: "Short version please."

Kaori: "We went on a date. The place was a bar. I had a few drinks and he had... Too much. Then some guys began shooting up the place and he killed them all, except for the leader. The leader, he ate alive."

The whole class looked at you in fear and shock.

"Oh yeah... Heh heh... I remember now..."

You then collapse into your seat as you were still drunk from last night.

Jaune: "You okay man?"

"Yeah... Hangovers a bitch though..."

For the rest of the class you were drifting between the class and the world of sleep. You snapped awake when you heard laughing.

Oobleck: "Very funny Mr. Arc! (Y/N)! Would you like to answer?

"The general was stupid and attacked at night while the faunus had superior vision in the dark due to their traits."

You then fell back asleep.


'Professor Peach asked us to get something from the forest. What? I don't know. I'll just watch to find out.'

You then partnered up with Michael and followed him. After collecting enough sap you turned around and saw that Ruby was nowhere in sight.

"Hey. Anyone know where Ruby went?"

The rest of the group looked around and saw you were right. Yang then ran up to you and grabbed your collar. Her semblance activated.

Yang: "What did you do to her?!"

You then grabbed her forearm and broke it, forcing her to let go in pain.

Yang: "Argh!"

"I didn't do anything you idiotic bitch. If I did something why would I bring it up? Or are you seriously that stupid? What am I saying? Of course you're that stupid!"

The rest of you split up and try to find Ruby while Yang went back to the ship. After searching for a while you came across a cave and heard some light moans coming from it.

'What the fuck?'

You slowly, but surely, proceeded into the cave. The deeper in you went, the louder the moans became. Eventually you found the source of the moans and saw Ruby getting raped by a grimm. You then take out your scroll and take a picture of the moment. They must've heard as the grimm turned it's head to you and growled, while Ruby looked in your direction, her eyes full of hope. It was time to crush that hope. You then took off all of your clothes and walked towards them completely naked. The Grimm saw what you were doing and repositioned itself so it was away from Ruby's ass and Ruby looked up in horror at what you were about to do.


After you and the Grimm had your fun you both let her go to find the rest. You then followed suit after putting your clothes back on.

'Did she even recognize me? Ah who am I kidding? She'd never recognize me now.'

You thought while making your way back to the bullhead. You then felt a familiar presence coming from deep in the woods.

"Raven... Heh... This'll be fun... For me at least... I'm coming for ya..."

And with that said, you ran in the direction of where you felt her presence. All the while thinking the same saying you were taught by Shran.

'Revenge will be MINE!'

*Timeskip yet again*

You eventually stumbled upon a camp of some sort. You then saw Raven leave her tent and begin to talk to someone. She then opened up a portal to somewhere and went through it. You then pulled out your scroll and took a picture, you then sent the picture to a former employer and got called by him shortly after.

"This the camp?"

???: "Yeah that's the camp. Do the world a favor by destroying it, killing all the members, and slitting that bitch's throat. If it's possible can you bring us her best man? We'll pay double."

"No guarantees."

You then look at the camp while doing an over-view of the camps defenses.

'So this is the Branwen Tribe huh? Doesn't look half-bad even. But I've got a job to do.'

You then jump into the middle of the tribe and begin to burn everything. The tribesmen then tried to stop you but you just slaughtered them all, only the best fighters were spared for the extra money you could gain.


You then cut off his head with your scythe.

"Shut up."

You then heard the sound of a bullhead approaching. It then landed in front of you and then you saw the your employer yet again.


John: "(Y/N)"

John then pulled out his pistol and shot all of the remaining tribesmen until there was only one person left.

John: "Vernal!"

The woman you now know as Vernal looked at you with fear in her eyes.

Vernal: "Please don't leave me with him! Anyone but him!"

You then get a notification on your scroll that you had just been payed 100 million lien.

"Too late."

You then pull out your last wishes and open fire on Raven's position. She jumped out of the way of your attack before it landed however. You then watch as John took Vernal back to the bullhead and take-off, leaving only you and Raven to fight.

Burning Hatred (Abused and Neglected Male Reader X RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now