The Raven 2

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(Raven's POV)

'I can't believe these guys couldn't kill this kid. Looks like I have to do everything around here.'

We just stared at each other for a while, looking into each other's eyes.

'Wait. Why do those eyes look familiar?'

I was snapped out of my thoughts when he spoke.

???: "How does it feel Raven Branwen? To know that everything you worked for is now gone?"

I point my sword in his direction.

"How do you know my name?"

He then laughed in a weird way.

???: "HAHAHAHAHA! I know EVERYTHING about you. Who you're family is. Where they are. What you actually are..."

He then remained silent for a minute.

???: "What you did to (Y/N)."

I immediately felt all my strength get sapped away when I heard his name.

"What did you do to my nephew?!"

I yelled at him. He only smiled.

???: "I did absolutely nothing to him, except make him better in every shape, way, and form. YOU on the other hand caused him nothing but pain and misery. When I came across him, he was BEGGING for me to kill him and end his suffering."

I looked down in sadness when he mentioned what we did.

'Did we really hurt him that much? That he'd rather die than be with us?'

(No One's POV)

You ran at Raven while she was busy with her thoughts. You then slashed her with your scythe which she barely dodged. You pressed on with your attack by continuously swinging your scythe in her general direction, preventing her from even grabbing her sword. After 5 minutes you couldn't get a wound on her, but you did slightly cut into her clothes revealing her lovely breasts.

(Y/N): 'Such lovely assets... It'd be a shame to let them go to waste.'

You then snap back to reality when Raven sent a flurry of slashes your way, which you teleported away from and appeared right behind her. You then kicked her in the back and sent her flying forward.

(Y/N): "Weak."

She tried to stand back up, only for you to kick her in the face and fall back down.

(Y/N): "C'mon Raven, you can do better than that."

She then jumped onto her feet and try to knock you off your feet. You simply stepped back and continued to taunt her, wanting her to go into her strongest form.

(Y/N): "What's the matter? Did losing your punching bag make you weak?"

Raven: *While swinging her sword at you* "Shut up!"

(Y/N): *While blocking her strikes with your sword* "Or was it from all of the food from the party you had when he disappeared that's made you weak?"

Raven: *While trying to attack you from multiple directions* "Shut! Up!"

(Y/N): *While blocking her attacks with your dagger as well as having your eyes closed* "Why would I? I'm telling nothing but the truth. Tell me. Is every word you four said a lie? You all went to Beacon, a place to train those who want to help others who can't help themselves, and yet, when (Y/N) was hurt from others you did nothing to help him, even helping the abusers beat him up a few times, 2,563 times to be exact.

Raven: "SHUT! UP!"

She yelled while the sky went from clear to full of clouds within 2 seconds.

(Y/N): 'The Spring Maiden huh? You've never failed to impress me Raven.'

Raven: "SCARED YET?!"

She yelled at you while you began to transform.

(Y/N): "Heh. You think you scared me? You think you're powerful? How cute. Let me show you REAL power."

You then finished your transformation and flew up to her level. She looked shocked to say the least, and she reeked of fear.

(Y/N): "Scared? Want to just lay down and die?"


(Y/N): "Good. Let me show you the fear and pain (Y/N) felt!"

You then charge at eachother.


(Your POV)

You were walking through the halls of Beacon, trying to find the elevator to Ozdick's office, all bloodied up, while being followed by your 'son', Jhonathin, who was wearing the armor you made for him.

You were walking through the halls of Beacon, trying to find the elevator to Ozdick's office, all bloodied up, while being followed by your 'son', Jhonathin, who was wearing the armor you made for him

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Eventually Jhonathin found it and you both ascended to whatever floor Ozdick's office was on. When you got there you saw the dicks talking to eachother.

SteelDick: "He's a threat to everyone here! He shouldn't even be allowed on the premise! He should be locked up on an Atlesian Airship and never be allowed to see the light of day!"

Ozdick: "You're suggesting I put one of my top students with you? You must think I'm stupid. I know all you want to do is experiment on him to try and make your soldiers better. Not help anyone here."

SteelDick: "That's not the point! Regardless of what I want, he is a threat and should be pacified or terminated immediately!"


Ozdick then realized you were just standing there with another person.

Ozdick: "Ah. (Y/N). What a pleasant surprise."

"The pleasure is all mine sir."

Ozdick: "And who's that beside you?"

"A friend who wishes to join this prestigious academy."

Ozdick: "Interesting. I'll see what I can do."

SteelDick: "Can you not see the blood on him?! Are you cra-"

You then knock him out with a simple punch to the face.

"Idiot. Sorry for that Ozpin, but I couldn't stand him for much longer."

Ozdick: "It's fine. May I ask your friend a few questions?"

"Go ahead."

You then leave and go to see if anyone needed to be killed yet.

Burning Hatred (Abused and Neglected Male Reader X RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now