Is this my hell?

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You were watching the world go by in the bullhead while thinking to yourself.

'I can't wait to see what this place has in store for me.'

You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard a voice you never wanted to hear again yell.

Yang: "Oh I can't believe my baby sister's going to Beacon with me! This is the best day ever!"

You then turn around and saw your supposed 'sisters' just embracing each other.

'Alright I can understand why Yangs here but why is Ruby here? Isn't she younger than the age requirement?'

Yang: "Look at him I wonder what's under all that armor~"

'Please tell me she's not referring about me.'

Ruby: "I'm just curious to see what his weapon looks like."

You then hear them coming up behind you.

Yang: "Hey big boy~"

"Not interested blondie."

You state while never turning to look at them.

Ruby: "Can I see your weapon?"

"You'll see it after we pass."

You state while trying to walk away from them. Yang then grabbed your shoulder and tried to pull you back.

Yang: You're going nowh-"

She didn't finish as you had put you hand on her forearm and gave her a 2nd degree burn, which caused her to let go. *Note: A second degree burn affects the epidermis and the dermis and can cause pain, redness, swelling, and blistering.*

Yang "Ow! You little-"

She yelled while her eyes changed color but you just knocked her out before she could say another word. You then turn to Ruby and say in a demonic tone.

"If you or your sister ever attack me outside of training again I will not hesitate to kill you and your whole family. Understand?"

You asked while holding her by the neck.

Ruby *While gasping for air*: "Yes!"

You then let go and watch her fall on her ass.

???: "You didn't have to do that."

"Yeah, well, people have been telling me that my whole life and I never listened to them so I doubt I'll listen to you."

???: "Aren't you rude?"

"I was not born into love. I was born into hate. So no I'm not rude. I'm just cynical."

You then turn and look at the guy talking to you. He wore a blue hoddie, black shorts, and black trainers (OC belongs to Soikeymikey9150).

"Look kid if your looking for a fight then look somewhere else."

???: "What makes you say I want to fight?"

"Your a human and I most likely just insulted your pride and by my past experiences your going to run at me with your weapon and try to kill me. *Demonic Voice* But You'll fail and perish under my boot like the rest."

???: "Remind me not to piss you off."

"Damn straight."

???: "I'm Michael Bracegirdle by the way."


Michael: "You have a last name?


The rest of the ride was uneventful but you could have sworn someone was watching you. After the bullhead landed and everyone else cleared out you left the bullhead and walked 2 feet before hearing an explosion. Curious, you walked over and immediately regretted it as you saw Ruby and heard some bitch complaining.

"Would you shut up?"

Bitch: "How dare you!? Do you know who I am!?

'Change that to stuck-up bitch.' "Knocked out."

Stuck-Up Bitch: "What?"

You then punch her square in the face and after hearing a satisfying crack, she fell over, unconscious and bleeding from her nose.

"How disappointing. I expected her to at least protect herself in some way." 'There it is again. Am I actually being stalked? And if so by who or what?'

You then make your way to the assembly

*Timeskip to after speech*

As you walk into the room you make a sharp right and hide behind some people and watch as someone wearing a cloak seems to be looking for something or someone.

'Is this my stalker?'

You thought as you made your way over to her... Wait... Her? Sure enough it was a female wearing the cloak and had some very... Revealing clothing on her (OC by PhoenixBlaze2468). As soon as you had gotten over to her she turned around and was surprised to see you right in her face and tried to throw a punch but you just grabbed her fist and asked her in a quiet voice.

"Why are you stalking me?"

???: "I... Don't know what your talking about."

"You're lying."

???: "N-no I'm n-not."

"Stuttering. Delayed sentences. Your definitely lying."

???: "Alright fine. I was looking at you. Ha-"


???: "I t-thought you were k-kinda c-c-cute."

She said while lightly blushing. You were taken aback by this.

"Cute, is not what most people think of me."

"Well I think you are."

She said her blush growing bigger. You then ask her something you never expected to do.

"Would you like to go on a date?"

You asked while blushing slightly. Her blush grew even bigger.

???: "Ummm. If we pass. Then sure. I'm Kaori."

"I'm (Y/N)."

You then both walk away from each other and go to your respective sleeping area.

'This is going to be a fun year.'

Was the last thought that went into your head before falling asleep.

Burning Hatred (Abused and Neglected Male Reader X RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now