TAI Rhymes With LIE And DIE!

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(Your POV)

I was walking around aimlessly after finding no one who needed to be killed or someone who wants me to kill someone. I then remembered seeing some bullheads coming in when I got back.

'Oh yeah. Some parents are coming in today. Wonder if I'll see them again. What a joy that would be.'

You then walked to the cafeteria for some food. Unaware that your 'family' was waiting for you.


You looked around to see if you could find your team, your son, or your family. After 10 minutes of searching you found your father and uncle.

"Hello father and uncle."

Talion: "(Y/N)! It's good to see you again."

You then give them both a hug.

Celebrimbor: "How's it going?"

"Good. Except for the fact that they're here."

You say while pointing over your shoulder with your thumb to your biological family. You then noticed their pissed-off expression.

"Don't worry. I'll deal with them myself."

Talion: "Fine, but if it looks like your going to lose we're going to step in."

"I won't lose. Not to them."

You said in a cold tone.

Qrow: "(Y/N) is that you?"

You merely crack your knuckles and neck.

Qrow: "We're sorry son. Please forgive-"

You punched him square in the face before he finished and sent him flying, you then kicked Tai in the chest and sent him flying back with some broken ribs, after that you grabbed Yang by her legs and threw into the pile head-first, you finished the pre-emptive strike by grabbing Summer's neck and throwing her into the pile, completing the pile. Tai then got up looking pissed off.


"Revenge. Plain and simple."

You then looked at the others.

"Get up. At least give me a good fight before you perish."

During this time Tai ran at you and attempted to punch your face. You dodged his attack and cut off both of his arms.


"Should've killed me then."

Tai then realised what he said and did. He then broke down crying.

Tai: "Please! I'm sorry! I didn't mean any of it! I just want my nephew back!"

"You can't have something back if you never had it in the first place."

You then grabbed his head and threw him to the side.

"I'll finish you later, now."

By now the others had gotten up.

"Who wishes to die first?"

You asked while transforming into your Tower Form.

Qrow: "No one's going to die."

"I disagree."

You then point your sword at them.

Summer: "We can talk about this! Please don't make us hurt you!"

"It's too late for that."

Ruby: "Please don't brother! I don't want to lose you again!"

"I'm something that once lost, can never return. Even if I wanted too.

Burning Hatred (Abused and Neglected Male Reader X RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now