A New Family?

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For the next year you had been applying justice to the monsters know as humans and faunus. This caught the attention of a few groups. Salem, who wanted you as a pawn in her plan to destroy the academies. Atlas, who wanted you dead for the destruction of their machines and soldiers. Ozpin, who wanted to turn you into a hunter and help fight against the grimm and crime. The Lone Ranger, Talion, who wished to train you and help you get revenge on those who wronged you. Empress Emily Kaldwin and her father Corvo Attano, who wanted to recruit you into the guard.

'A foreign convoy from Dunwall is coming to Atlas today to try and get Atlas to help support them in subduing the revolution on Gristol. How foolish. Atlas will never support them while I'm alive.'

You think as you slowly make your way to the meeting

'I hope someone of high value is in the meeting today. What joy would it be to kill General Ironwood?'

After getting to the meeting place and waiting on the roof for 5 minutes, you finally saw them.

'Emily Kaldwin, Corvo Attano, Winter Schnee, and General Ironwood. Welp Ironwood, you just signed your death warrant by coming here.'

After they all went inside the meeting room you began to kill all the guards in and around the building, after that was done all that was left were the guards in the meeting room, General Ironwood, and anyone else who stood in your way.

'But first I should make sure they don't know that Deathbringer was the attacker.'

You thought as you summoned the armor you absorbed.

*You don't have the shield, wings, or cape, the gold is red, and the sword is the one from the first chapter

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*You don't have the shield, wings, or cape, the gold is red, and the sword is the one from the first chapter.*

After finishing, you barge in the room and burn all the guards with hellfire. You then rush at Ironwood and sliced him in the right shoulder in a diagnal line but only to stop at his chest as the others had took out their blades and just barely stopped you. "Foolish." You state as you just cut downwards and cut off his right arm, the right halve of his torso, and his right leg. You then teleport away from them leaving Ironwood to bleed out, Winter calling for help, and Emily/Corvo confused. You then appear in a forest which had grimm everywhere. As you get in a defensive you shed your armor and yell.

"C'mon! I'm ready for ya!"

But they didn't attack for some reason. After a while, you put away your weapon. You then realise the grimms eyes are blue.

"Why are they blue?"

???: "That would be because of me."

You heard a voice behind you and turned around to see a man wearing some strange clothes.

Burning Hatred (Abused and Neglected Male Reader X RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now