The 'Test'

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*Timeskip to getting flung into the air*

'Let's see if I can find something to kill after I land.'

You thought before crushing a deathstalker's head beneath your boots and encountering 49 more.

"Please give me a good fight."

You said before killing the deathstalkers one by one with your hammer. After 1 minute of fighting you had successfully killed every deathstalker. You then look yourself over.

'Not even a scratch? Geez I need to find better grimm to fight.'

You then teleport to the temple and take the black king piece.

"Chess pieces? Why would you choose these as the relics?"

You then decide that since you had nothing to do, or more specifically, kill you decided to take a nap.

'A little rest couldn't hurt me that much.'

You then fall asleep.


Some screaming girl: AHHHHHHHHHHHH!

You woke up upon hearing that and fell onto the ground, face first.

*In a pissed off voice* "ALL RIGHT, WHICH LITTLE SHIT JUST WOKE ME UP!?"

You then realise the voice came from outside. And after cleaning off your clothes you went outside, only to see Ruby, Yang Stuck-Up Bitch, A Cat Faunus, A Woman Wearing Armor, A Blond Haired Kid, A Girl In A Skirt Wielding A Hammer, A Guy With Some Pink Hair, A Deathstalker, And A Nevermore.

"Is this what you people were screaming about?"

You ask while calmly approaching them.


He yelled at you. You then did the most reasonable thing.

*SLAP!* "Pull yourself together and stop panicking."

Blond Hair Kid: "WHY THE HELL DID Y-"

*SLAP!* "I said pull yourself together and stop panicking. Or do you wish for me to cut off your hands and slap you with them until your calm?"

Blond Hair Kid: *Extremely quietly* "N-no sir."

"Good. Now."

You then pull out your throwing knives and kill the nevermore with them while summoning your knife. You then ran up to the deathstalker and cut off it's legs, then it's stinger, and you finally kill it by ramming the stinger into it's head.


You then turn around and see all of them standing there in awe at what you just did.

Girl With Skirt And Hammer: "THAT WAS AMAZING YOU WERE LIKE-"

"All due respect, shut up."

She seemed lightly taken aback by your choice of words while you walk away from them. After a few feet you turn around and ask.

"Well are you just going to stand there or are you coming back to Beacon?

They then quickly snap out of it, grab their respective pieces and follow you back to Beacon.

*Timeskip to after teams are announced*

Ozpin: "And finally you four."

He then looks at the four remaining people: You, Michael, Kaori, and a wimp named Invalidum.

Ozpin: "You have never encountered each other before this minute, none of you have partners, and only two of you have a relic. So by process of elimination you four will become team DETH, led by (Y/N)."

Your 'team' then clapped for you.

'Ozpin I hope you know what you're doing.'

Ozpin: "Congratulations. Mr. Branwen."

You then looked at Ozdick with a pissed off look.

Ozdick: "Wha-"

You didn't let him finish as you had dropkicked him off the stage.


You yell while jumping on top of him and then you begin bashing his skull in while others look at you in shock.









After your little rage you get off of Ozdick and walk out like nothing happened.

*Ruby's POV*

"(Y/N) is that you?"

Burning Hatred (Abused and Neglected Male Reader X RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now