Revenge will be mine

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After that little episode of drama last night you and the 'team' got some sleep. Well they did. You however, couldn't sleep.

'I need something to do.'

You thought while leaving the room. After walking for 5 minutes you had eventually found the arena.

'An arena? Maybe there's something to do in here.'

You then saw some kind of control box. In the box were a bunch of options for training against grimm.

'Why not?'

You thought while setting it to the highest difficulty on infinite mode. After you did that you stepped into the fighting area.

Female Voice: "Training starts in 3... 2... 1... Go!"

'Let's get this over with.'


Invalidum's POV

I woke up and looked at the clock which said it was 8:30.

'That means class starts in 30 minutes.'

After waking up the other two we got ready for the school day and... Wait... Two?

"Uhh guys where'd our leader go?"

They must have realised as we looked all around to find him yet we couldn't.

Michael: "Guess we'll have to find him later"

He said pointing at the clock which now read 8:50.

Kaori: "I hope he didn't kill those two."

I shuddered at that thought. Who wouldn't after seeing what he did to Ozpin.

"Let's go."

After we made our way to class and watched as teams JNPR and RWBY came through at the last second. When the teacher looked at us he realised that we were missing a member.

Teacher: "Where's your leader?"

"He's... Umm... I don't know where he i-"

He then appeared right in front of me.


I fell onto the ground and he just sent a glare at me before turning to the teacher.


Your POV

'Can't you send me something challenging?'

You thought while kill-. No. Slaughtering the holograms. Right after you killed your 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 grimm the machine powered off.

Female Voice: "You have survived 12 hours and killed 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 grimm.

"Tch. Simple."

???: "What?!"

You then turned and saw a woman looking at you in shock. From what though? The score, your words, or potentiality both?

"Who might you be?"

You asked with a bored expression. She quickly regained her posture.

???: "Professor Goodwitch. And who might you be?"

She asked a bit sternly but you could taste her fear. She was afraid of you. Good.

"A student that has committed many atrocities in every kingdom."

You said without hesitation before teleporting to the class you were supposed to be in.

Invalidum: "AHH!"

Burning Hatred (Abused and Neglected Male Reader X RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now