Chapter 2

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Merry's POV-

When I woke up at six I went to shower.

I sighed as I let the water flow over my head. The warm water cascaded down, making my water stick to my back.

My thoughts started pushing themselves to the surface as I stood there.

One day I wasn't going to put up with my mother's crap... One day I wouldn't let her push me around and use me like she does. I would not let her abuse me!

After I got out of the shower, I put on leggings and a sweater.

I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was frizzy even though it was still damp. I sighed as I quickly put my hair in a bun.

I took my time walking quietly down to the kitchen.

I made my over to the sink to wash my hands.

I looked out the window as I washed my hands.

The rain was pouring down in buckets. The storm made the trees sway dangerously and the wind push down everything in its path.

If the tornado passed over us we would all have to go get in the tornado shelter. The shelter was a large underground cement cellar type room.

I focused as I dried my hands to get started on breakfast.

I had an hour and a half before breakfast needed to be ready.

I began cooking the eggs, toast, bacon, grits's, biscuits, waffles, and pancakes.

Once everything was cooking I ate a granola bar.

At 7:45 I put all the food on the table and laid out the silver ware.

I walked up the stairs like I do every morning.

I knocked on everyone's doors saying quietly that breakfast was ready and that everyone would eat in five minutes.

When I went back down to the kitchen, mother was already there.

She must have come down when I was setting silver ware.

Mother said,"Handle everything today, Merry. I'm going to go see your older brother and father."

With that she took her coffee and left. I sighed as soon as she was gone.

Would nothing ever change?

I shook my head and I walked back into the dining room.

Everyone was already sitting down to eat.

I kindly and politely asked,"Does anyone need there room cleaned?"

They all said no... For once in a long time!

I went upstairs to make sure the bathrooms had toilet paper, towels, soaps, and also that the bathrooms were clean.

Once I was done with that, I headed into my room and read a book till 9:30.

At 9:30 I went down to the dining room to clean up.

Benedict's POV-

I waited in the dining room until Merry came back in to clear the dishes.

Everyone else had long since cleared out.

The weather had let up for a little while so they had all decided to go to different stores around town.

When Merry came in I helped her with the dishes, again.

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