Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

  As I was watching the horror movie someone jumped out on the screen and at the same moment I heard a door slam, hard. I gasped in shock and jumped up. I turned to see Benedict's door closed. I walk up to the door and asked,"Benedict? Everything Okay?" I listened but heard some mumbling. Did I make him mad? I turned around to look around to see if anything I might have messed up. I didn't see anything. Benedict clothes were on to wash, but that's the only thing that was different from a few minutes ago. I guess I should just give him some space. I walk back to the tv and watch the horror movie. After the last few minutes played Benedict still hadn't come out of his room. I decided to try again. I walked up to the doorand said,"Benedict? Something wrong?" I waited for a moment and was about to turn around when the door opened. I looked up to see Benedict standing there. His eyes were red and glassy... I could tell he had been crying. He said," I'm fine. I think I'm going to go for a walk." He walked past me. I said," want company?" He turned and said said," no thanks. Just need to go think." Before continuing to walk out the door. What happened?

  I walked out of the hotel and down the street. I saw how worried Merry looked, but I just wanted to be alone. I felt like I can't breath. Like there is something sitting on my chest. I walked. Why hadn't mother told me? I know we weren't on the same terms, but for GOODNESS SAKES I WAS HIS SON! His... only son not dead or in prison. Months ago when my brother tried to shoot me and after I told the police that I knew who it was my brother told them that I was mean to him... that I bullied him. He had said he hated living in my shadow. I was the oldest, he was the Middle child. Matt always thought he had to try to show me up. I looked down as I walked. My youngest brother, David, died in a car crash five years ago. I was eighteen and driving David to football practice when we were hit by a drunk driver. Even though it wasn't my fault Matt still has blamed me ever since. I guess he had just put up with me long enough... after walking for a while more I sighed and checked my phone.  It was 3:47. Merry had sent me three texts, all asking if I was okay. I walked back to the hotel.

  Benedict was really worrying me. He got back at 4:16. I stood up form the couch where I had been listening to the music. I said," Benedict?" He smiled a sad smile at me. Something was wrong. I could see it in his eyes. He said slowly,"my father died... last week. I-I just found out." He looked down and I walked up to him. I put my arms around him. I said quietly,"Oh, I'm so sorry." I could feel him slowly put his arms around me. After a moment or two more I pulled back and we both let go. I told myself I was just condoling a friend. The hug meant nothing more. I said,"how about we do something to cheer you up... we could go out and go somewhere or stay in and relax." He said,"lets go do something. I want to distract myself from all of this." I pulled out my phone to look for something for us to do. I said,"how about a stroll through the Terry Hershey Park?" He nodded and we drove to the park. When we got there we walked around looking at all the pretty plants. When we stopped at a fountain there was someone playing the violin. I had an idea! I left Benedict and ran up to the man playing the violin.

  Merry ran put to the man playing the violin and he stoped playing. She said something and he nodded. She walked back over with a mischievous smile on her face. She said,"come on." She took my hand and immediately the violinist played a faster paced song and we started to dance. She was looking up at me smiling. She danced and danced. I spun her around and she laughed. After dancing I realized the sun had gone down. I walked up the violinist and give him some money. I said," come on Merry. Let's go see a movie." We walked back to a car. Merry said," I have an idea for something we could do..." I said," really? What is it?" She said," oh, it's going to be a surprise. You can trust me." I glanced at her and saw the teasing smile. I said," your making me nervous. " she laughed and said," good." We walked to the car and then went to see a movie. After the movie we went back to the hotel. When we got there Merry said," make sure your ready to get up early in the morning. Then we both went to bed.

  In the morning I put on my jeans and cowboy boots. I then put a spare shirt, jeans, and anything else I need in my backpack. I woke up Benedict then went to eat. Benedict came walking out of his room looking half asleep. He said," what time is it?" I said,"4:35." We both ate. Benedict said," alright. I'm awake now that I've had my tea. What are we going to do?" I said," we are going to drive out to a ranch an hour from here and help with a cattle drive." I heard Benedict grown as I put up the dishes. He said," why do you hate me so much?" I laughed and said,"oh I don't hate you. I only do cattle drives with my dearest and best friends." I turned back around and he rolled his eyes. I laughed and said," grab your backpack and change! Hurry up! Let's go!" He laughed and went to change. When he was done we drove to the ranch

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