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3rd person view-
After traveling all around the United States for three months, including hiking Alaska and visit Hawaii, Merry and Benedict settled down in a small town close to Houston where they could seen Kyle and Tasha often. The four often hang out and do things together. Much to the pain of Benedict and Tasha the four often go on Cattle drives.
Benedict and Merry have separate apartments next to each other and have been dating for an entire year now.

I finished putting on my make up and stood up to look in the mirror. My dress was a simple black dress. I put on black sandles and grabbed my black purse and jacket. I heard a knock at the door. I walked to it and found myself smiling. I opened the door to see Benedict looking sharp in a Tuxedo. I said,"how is my favorite boyfriend." He said," better now that I'm with you." I chuckled as he kiss me in the lips quickly and we left. He was taking me out to dinner for our one year anniversary. He said he had a surprise. I held his hand as he drove us out to the middle of nowhere. He stopped the car and opened the door for me. When I got out I was stunned. It was gorgeous. Light were strung up on the trees making as bright as day. A table was sitting in the middle of it all. There was a waiter. A WAITER! In the middle of nowhere. He must have gone to a lot of trouble. I said," it's stunning, Benedict!" He said,"it is." I noticed he was looking at me. He said the Sam etching over a year ago today. I blushed as he pulled out a chair for me. We both sat down as the waiter served us dinner.

Tonight was the night. After dessert Merry said," this has been an amazing night." Hopefully it would get better. I got down on one knee, pull out the ring box, opened it, and said," Merry Beth Johnson, will you marry me?" She said," yes!" I put the ring on her finger and stood up as she kissed me. It was a long tender kiss with a whole lot of meaning. That kiss was a promise to always be there for each other, to protect each other, and to love each other. She said," I love you." I said,"I love you too, Mer."


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