Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

When i woke up i went to shower. I like to shower before Benedict gets up. When i got out of the shower Benedict was just getting up so he went to shower while i made pancakes. Our flight out was at 10:00, meaning we had to be at the airport at 9:15. I pulled out my phone to see it was 6:10. Last night Benedict and I decided to go for a walk around town to see the  architecture early today. To enjoy our last NOLA hours. After Benedict got out of the shower we ate, packed, and went to a walk. The sun had just come up, it was beautiful. The sky was soft pinks, oranges, and blues. I felt Benedict grab my hand gently as we continued to walk down the street. Benedict said," I feel like I've known you for a long time... even thought it's been less then two weeks since we met." He sounded hesitant. He asked," we're friends, aren't we?" I said,"Yeah, of course we are." He said,"I-I think we should stay friends. Um...  I don't know what I'm trying to say." I chuckled and said,"neither do I. You haven't told me yet." He rolled his eyes at me and a goofy smile appeared on his face. He said,"I mean we should keep to being just friends... nothing more. Er-um. Especially while we are traveling together and living together." I said,"yeah. That's for the best. Obviously, I mean we just met right." I took my hand out of his. I knew this was what we needed to do, but it didn't mean It wasn't making me sad. I continued," so, we should prob get back to the French Quarters, get our stuff, and go to the airport." I ended up sounded more upbeat then I felt. I glanced at him as we turned to walk back. He was looking at the ground. He looked a bit upset. We walked to the room, grabbed our stuff, and went to the airport. All the while not talking.
   After we got off the plane after a hour and fifteen minute flight  in silence we got our luggage. We went to the car rental place and rented a car. Once all of our stuff was in the car I said," how about instead of going straight to a hotel we just call, book a room, and go to the Houston aquarium. I mean you've been looking forward to seeing it. Don't deny it! I know you have." He smiled and looked giddy before saying,"okay!" As he drove I called a hotel and booked us a room. When we got to the aquarium we went in.

  It was amazing! The aquarium was the largest one I have ever been to. There were sharks, squid, octopus, and Hindus of various forms of fish. I was in aw. I was starring at a squid when I heard a giggle. I sweet sounding giggle. I turned to see Merry had taken my picture with her phone. I said,"don't tell me I was looking stupid!" She looked down at the phone before breaking out in fits of laughter. I said,"come on! Let me see." She turned and said," NO! You'll delete it. It's my picture." I said," it's a picture of me though!" It came out whiny. She said,"no, you have to promise not to delete it." I put my hand behind my back and crossed my fingers. I said,"I promise." She turned the phone around but instead of a goofy looking picture it was be looking completely in aw of the squid. It was,surprisingly, not on the least embarrassing. I said,"why were you laughing at it? It doesn't look embarrassing." She giggled and said,"your in love with a squid and she's in love with you. I can tell. Just look at her face. It's just begging for you to pucker up!" She burst out laughing at her jokes. I said,"that's it!" I lunged at her before she realized it and started to tickled her. She laughed so hard tears were streaming down her face. She said,"stop, I'm sorry. Stop. I can't breath." In between laughing. I finally stopped. She said,"your mean." She whipped her face and i stuck out my tongue at her. I said," you were mean first." She poked out her lip and said,"squid lover." I said,"oh! Now your gonna get it." She turned and ran down the moth hallways. I followed her. She turned the corner ahead of me. I ran after her. When I turned the corner I saw she was on the ground with some man in an old suit standing over her. I quickly ran up to her and helped her up, making sure I was between them. If he hurt her he'll regret it... I looked to him was a glare that I was sure he could see.

  Benedict was standing in front of me after helping me up. He was glaring at the man I had run into. If looks could kill the man would be in the center of the earth right now. Benedict looked very threatening. I ignored the burning of my knees as the man said,"you shouldn't be running in the aquarium." Benedict said coldly,"sorry. " he didn't sound sorry in the least. The man's nostrils flared before turn to leave. He stopped right in front of me thought. Benedict angled himself to be between us again. The man said," don't get blood on the carpet or you'll be paying for the cleaning of it." He then walked away. Blood? What was he talking about?  I looked down to see if I was bleeding. And I was. The carpet burns on my knees were bleeding. Benedict saw it to. He said,"sit on the floor." I did. he opened up his backpack and took out a first aid kit. I said,"prepared for everything aren't you, squid lover?" He looked up at me and grinned but it didn't reach his eyes. He whipped away the blood, cleaned it and placed two big band-aids on my knees. I saiid,"awwwa! Don't I get cartoon band aids?" He said,"I'll get you some cartoon and aids later. I promise. Are these carpet burns or did that man..." his voice trailed off. I said," nah, I'm fine. Just carpet burns." He nodded and put his stuff back in his backpack. We finished looking at the fish then went to the car and drove to our hotel.
  This hotel was by far the nicest one we have stayed in yet. It smiled good and looked spotless. There was a huge bathtub in the bathroom. As soon as our stuff was put up I went to soak in the tub while Benedict ordered some sandwichs from a restaurant across the street that delivers.

  After the delivery person arrived with food I knocked on the bathroom door.  I said,"Lunch is here." Merry replied through the door,"I'll be out oin ten minutes, once I rinse off in the shower." And sure enough ten minutes she was dressed in exercise shorts and a  t shirt. I said,"the room has a washer and dryer so I'm gonna wash clothes after lunch." She said,"cool, I'll wash mine to." We turned on the tv and at down to eat on the couch. Pthe tv was on a horror movie. As we watched the movie I glanced over to Merry to see her hand was covering her mouth. I glanced back to the tv to see some dude decapitated. I said," while you finish the movie, I'm gonna start my laundry." She watched the tv not really paying attention to me. I went to my room and then put all my clothes in to wash. I checked the time. It was 1:30. I guess now would be a good time to do it as any. I pulled out my phone and called my mom... yes the very mother that wasn't speaking to me. I wouldn't even call of father hadn't been sick since before I left. When she answered I  said," hey mom." She replied as if I weren't her son," what do you want?" I said," thanks mom for asking if I was okay." She said,"your not hurt or sick are you?" That right there surprised me. I wasn't expecting her to actually care. She hasn't cared since my brother was arrested. I said," yeah I'm fine. I wanted to check on how you are." She said," I'm fine." Just like that the wall went right back up. I sighed and said,"how's dad?" She said," dead." With that she hung up. I was in shock. I called my cousin who was actually talking to me and when he answered I said,"hey cuz." He said,"hey." I said,"I just found out dad died. When did the cancer take him?" He replied,"last week." I said," why didn't you call and tell me?" He said,"I figured your mom would tell you whether or not y'all are talking." I was angry but I didn't need to take it out on my only relative in communication with me. I thanked him before hanging up. I growled and kicked the door. It immediately slammed hard.

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