Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

  After I drove us to the ranch we grabbed our backpacks and got out of the car. I asked,"So Mer? Is this gonna last an hour or two?" She laughed and said," all day. It's 6:00 now so it will go to eleven tonight. It's gonna be amazing!" I said,"ugh! That's seventeen hours!" We walked up to someone who was checking off stuff on a clipboard and giving directions to people around him. He said,"Mrs. Johnson?" She said,"please, call me Merry." He held out his hand and She shook it. He said,"I'm Kyle the trail boss." He held out his hand and I shook it and said,"Benedict." He nodded and spoke to Merry again. He said,"come on ill show you to your horses." We followed him. Merry asked,"how many people are going on the cattle drive?" He replied,"it's a small cattle drive with just a hundred cows, today. So we have ten people going, including me and both of you. Three women and seven men total."  We arrived to two brown horse. Kyle said," put what you need to bring in your saddle bags... a backpack will probably be cumbersome." We nodded. Kyle continued,"Merry, you will take Captian. He has the white spot on his head. And Benedict you have Shield. He's the darker brown with white legs."

  After Kyle told us which horses were ours he walked off to finish some task. We put our stuff in the saddle bags and then Benedict took our empty backpacks back to the car. I untied the lead rope and unclipped it to his bridle. I put it on the post and mounted up. I walked Captain around while waiting on Benedict to mount up. Once he did we rode the horses to where Kyle was waiting. Once everyone was gathered Kyle said,"okay. Our goal is to take the new hundred head of cattle out to the far pasture where the other thousand or so cattle are at. We will stop at eight, twelve, and six for meals and be back at ten. Then we'll have to groom the horses and then everyone can leave at 11:00. We should get to the herd at 11:30... hopefully. Okay. I'll ride point to lead the heard." Then he pointed out where everyone else was to ride. Benedict and I were to bring up the heard up and make sure no one falls behind. Once we were starting out Benedict said," ugh. Sixteen ours of this will not be fun." I said," watch your mouth, Martin!" He said,"oh! You did not just call me by my last name!" I laughed. Someone next to me laughed. I turned to see the girl who was riding rear with us. I said,"I'm Merry. And this annoying British dumbo is Benedict." She laughed and said," I'm Tasha." She smiled a timid smile. I said,"is this your first cattle drive?" She said,"oh no! My boyfriend ropes me into this all the time. The trail boss, Kyle, is my boyfriend by the way." I nodded and Benedict said,"is this what you consider fun or not?" She said," I mean it's fun to talk with Kyle and meat different people, but I find the constant riding in a western saddle hurts my behind." Benedict said," ugh, I'm right there with you." I said," i love horses but I honestly admit that I prefer English to Western. Even though western is supposed to be better for long term riding i find English is waaayyy more comfortable..." Tasha said,"then maybe I should try a English saddle next time." I said,"I'd try it out before going on a cattle drive though. But actually a endurance saddle might be best..." she nodded. Benedict said," I am not even going to try and figure out what you just said." I flash him a teasing grin and said," I know. I'm a horse girl. "

  We stopped for breakfast and then ate lunch once we were to the main herd. While we were relaxing I stretched. Merry had immediately struck up a friendship with Tasha while I had talked to Kyle during our breaks. I heard Kyle cuss and said," what's wrong?" Kyle said,"weather. We are going to have a storm... that's one thing about Texas... if you don't like the weather wait five minutes and it will change." I said,"so what are we going to do?" Kyle said,"we either ride through the storm and the horses most likely freak or stay here in the cold and rain and ride out in the morning. Meaning if we didn't leave till eight when the storm passes then we wouldn't get back till 3 in the afternoon... but at least we would have the  cattle shelter" I glance over to the shelter which was just a roof with no walls. He continued,"if we stay out then we only have enough food for dinner and then we go without till we get back, which wouldn't be TO bad, but still. While riding during a storm means we could get lost or the horses could get hurt. What do you think?" I say,"I don't know. Either way is dangerous." I glanced at Merry. She was laughing at something Tasha said. It may be safer for us to stay here as a group, but Merry might have blood sugar issues. Kyle said,"you really care about her, huh?" I looked back at him and said,"what?" He said,"you heard me. I noticed you watching Merry." I said,"she is my friend. Of course I care for her, as my friend that is." He burst out laughing and said,"I'm twenty-four. Tasha is twenty-three. I've known her for three years and I didn't even ask her out till last year. I just want to share my wisdom since I AM older then you. Go for her." I laugh and said,"wisdom. Is that the stench i smell?" He said,"ha. Ha. Very funny." I look back over to Merry to see her and Tasha coming over to us. I said,"hey." She said,"hi. " Tasha said,"what were y'all talking bout?" Kyle didn't say anything about his "wisdom" instead he tells them about the weather. Merry Immediately pails. She asked,"so what are we going to do?" Kyle said,"I suppose we'll just spend the nigh." Merry looks at me. I nod ever so slightly understanding that she was worried to go without breakfast and lunch tomorrow. I said,"excuse us." I grabbed Merry's hand and pulled her to the side. I wrapped my arms around her and said,"do not worry. We both brought snacks. You'll be fine..."  I felt her nod and I stared up at the thunder clouds rolling in. I heard Kyle say,"come on, everyone. Let's get the stuff and horses under the shelter. We must squeeze together so the cattle can get under the shelter too." I said,"come on, Mer... "

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