Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
Benedict's POV-

When I finally rolled out of bed and got up, I heard the shower running.

Merry must be taking a shower.

I decided to make the best of the time I was alone. I pulled out my toothbrush and tooth paste out of my bag. Dental hygiene is very important!

I walked out of my room and over to the kitchenette.

I began brushing my teeth.

I heard Merry walking around behind me.

I turned to see her plop down on the couch.

She had on ripped jeans, a lace shirt over a blue tank top, and a leather jacket. Her long brown hair was wrapped in a towel.

I spit out the tooth paste, rinced my mouth out, then cleaned the sink.

She gave me a small smile and said,"Good morning...I hope I didn't take to long."

I walked over and sat next to her.

I shook my head,"Nah, I just got up."

She reached up to take the towel off her head.

She laid the towel next to her and leaned back.

"So what's on the agenda today?" She asked curiously .

I spoke in a thoughtful manner,"We did what I wanted to yesterday.... so....You can pick."

She shook her head while saying,"You're the one that planned this. I'm just along for the ride. Besides, I don't know what there is to see." She shrugged.

I hummed while thinking for a moment,"Do you want to go to six flags?"

"Sure!" She spoke excitedly as she jumped up  and down in her seat in excitement.

I smiled.

"I'm going to go take my shower and then we can go."

She stood up and said,"k... I'm going to go get coffee and breakfast... Maybe a bathing suit, also. What do you want?"

I said,"Pancakes would be nice. Us British people aren't as big of fans of coffee as we are of tea. I have tea here."

She made a gagging face before saying,"That is NOT real tea! Real tea is cold and sweet. No milk and definitely NOT hot."

I shook my head and said,"You have your weird version of tea and I have my correct version of tea."

"Oh yeah?" She sassed me.

I nodded.

She laughed and said,"We'll finish this when I get back. Keys?"

I pointed,"On the side table."

I handed her some money for my breakfast. She took it.

She nodded, grabbed the keys, ran back into her room, came back with a purse, and then left.

I shook my head and smiled.

That girl is something else... something amazing. Someone I could really lo...I shook my head again except this time to get rid of my thoughts. I just met this girl... I shouldn't be thinking like this.

Merry's POV-

I walked down to the car, but decided to walk so I could window shop.

There was a super market a little ways down the street that I went into.

I grabbed a box of tea bags. I was definitely going to show Benedict the proper way of drinking tea.

Once I had paid for it, I walked down the street.

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