Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I woke up and gasped. My stomach ached horribly. I looked at the clock. It's read 4:27. I frowned rolled onto my side. I layer there for a few minutes before hearing gagging. I quickly got up ran to the bathroom so see Benedict sitting, leaning against the wall. He looked horrible. I clenched my stomach. I grabbed a rag and soaked it. I walked over to Benedict and put it on the back of his kneck. He looked up startled. His head had previously been looking down with his eyes closed. He said,"did I wake you?" It came out like a hoarse whisper. I sat down. I said," no, I was awake. I think we have food poisoning from that pizza." He asked,"you too?" I nodded and sighed. I leaned against the wall next to him. We sat there in silence together.

  I opened my eyes. Merry was asleep leaning on my shoulder. We had fallen asleep somewhere around 6. I stunk like garbage. Last night after Merry joined me I ended up vomiting three more times. She hadn't vomited but she had whimpered every so often. Her stomach had hurt. I watched as she was cuddled against me. I whispered,"Merry." She opened her eyes and looked up at me. She asked," are you alright?" I said," yes. You?" She nodded. I said,"let's get up. We both got up and went to the living room. She said," how about we make ourselves some tea?" We each made our own teas. Then sat down on the couch. I checked my phone. It was 11. I said,"you should probably eat something." She said,"ugh, I don't think I could keep it down." She leaned back and rubbed her stomach. I said,"but you don't want to have blood sugar problems again." A little smile came to her lips as she looked at me. She said,"... alright. But let's go to McDonald's... they have soup. But we should shower first." I said," you go ahead. I will after you."  She got up, went to her room, then to the bathroom. I watched tv till Merry was done then got in the shower. After we both had showers and didn't smell like fish guts we both grabbed our backpacks and left.

  When we got to McDonald's we got in line to order. When we got to the front to order the lady asked,"would you like our 20 piece nuggets for only 3.99!" I said,"no." Under my breath I continued,"ugh. I doubt I could keep it down. Just the sound is making me sick." The lady must have heard because she said," I'm in the same boat as you." She placed her hand on her stomach and said,"morning sick ses and all." I said," oh no! We aren't...I'm not..." Benedict said,"food poisoning. Not morning sickness." She laughed and said,"my bad." We ordered then sat down. After we ate we  went to see a movie. After the movie we went to an old arcade. Benedict said,"you are SO going down! I said,"yeah right! I could beat you with my eyes closed!" We immediately started to play games. The games were old like pac-man. I beat Benedict's score and said,"ha! Beat that!!" We continued to have our rivalry till 6 when Benedict said it was time for dinner. We went to McDonald's again, but this time I was able to eat more then soup. After dinner we went to the hotel and went on to bed. We were both exhausted from being sick the previous night. We had agreed to leave Atlanta the next day at 10.
   The next morning we both slept till 9:00. Then we got up, got all of our stuff together, ate a quick breakfast, disposed of any food(besides tea of course), then dropped off the rental car, and then went a laundry mat where we washed our dirty clothes. Then we went to the airport. Our plain took off at 11.

  After we took off for Panama City, Florida I fell asleep again. When we landed it was 12. We grabbed our luggage then I made sure after we rented a car we got lunch. Couldn't have Merry getting sick. We ate then got a hotel room in a hotel on the beach. Once we got in and out our stuff in our rooms we stood out on the balcony. Merry said,"lets go to the beach!" I said,"okay, let me get my bathing suit on." I went and changed. Once I changed I carried my backpack into the living room. Merry was sitting on the couch waiting, but all she had changed was her shirt to a sleeveless. I said,"aren't you going to change into your bathing suit?" She looked like she didn't know he to respond. She said,"nah, I don't feel like getting wet. I'm going to read in the sun and get a tan." She smiled and we went down to the beach. I made sure to bring my backpack. Merry laid down on a bench and started to read her book. I went down to the water and swam around.

After twenty minutes of reading I put on sunblock. I definitely didn't want to get a sunburn. I sat back down. I looked over to Benedict. He had his shirt off and was soaking wet. He looked very... hot. If only it wasn't that time of the month, then I would have been out there with him. Someone put there stuff down in the bench next to me, making me tear my eyes away from Benedict. He was tall, blond, and abs like no mans business. He said,"I'm Daniel." I said,"nice to meet you." But I didn't offer my name. He sat down and started to tan. I continued to read my book. After a little while of reading he asked,"what are you reading." I said,"LIFE:Through My Eyes book one." He said," I haven't read it." I said,"it's by a not famous author." He said,"what's your name?" I said,"... Merry..." he said,"Merry?" I said,"mhm, spelled M-E-R-R-Y." I glanced over to see him smiling. He said," I love your name. I bet your a very cheerful person... unless your one of those people who are are the complete opposite of there names." I laughed and said," I don't know." He said,"my favorite book would be..." we talked for a long time. I laughed at one of his many jokes when all of a sudden Benedict ran up. He sat down at the foot of my bench. Benedict said," you okay?" I said,"yeah, why wouldn't I be?" He said,"it's past dinner." I realized he meant about my blood sugar. I said,"yes I'm fine. What time is it?" He checked his water proof watch before saying 7:30. I said,"really? Wow." Daniel said,"I guess that means I helped you have a fun time." Benedict for the first time looked at him. Benedict glared at him before saying,"I'm Benedict." Daniel said,"Daniel. So are your two married, engaged, dating?" I glanced at Benedict. He didn't take his eyes off Daniel. I said,"none of the above."  Benedict huffed before walking away. I watched him walk to the jet ski rental and take one out. I said to Daniel,"if you don't mind I'm going to read." He nodded and said,"I'm going in the water." I nodded as he walked away. I read for a long time. I reached into my backpack to check my phone. It was 8:30 and the sun was setting. I saw Benedict walking over. I grabbed our backpacks and started walking when I got really dizzy. 

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