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Remy groaned loudly, the warmth of her bed sheets engulfing her

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Remy groaned loudly, the warmth of her bed sheets engulfing her. She didn't want to wake up, not now, not ever. The comfort of her bed surpassed her strength to get out of bed.

Hold on. How did I get in bed to start off with?

Remy's memories last night was more than just hazy, that was putting it lightly. The only thing she could remember from last night was picking up the gang and it slowly went downhill.

Slowly, the realization hit her. She had work.

As if she was an animated cartoon, Remy jumped up from her bed - springing straight to the bathroom. She grabbed her brush, detangling the mess of her hair then grabbing her toothbrush - brushing her teeth as quickly as humanly possible.

Finishing her business in the bathroom, Remy ran to her closet, grabbing a tank top and jeans as she slipped on her sneakers. It did not really matter what she wore, she had to wear her jumpsuit once she gets to work anyway.

Grabbing her keys, Remy sprinted out of her apartment and to her mustang. Remy didn't even have time to stop and think before she ran into the car and started it.

Putting her key in the ignition, the engine coming to life as her foot nearly slammed on the gas.

Crazily driving through traffic, Remy made it to work in under ten minutes - which was a blessing but she would have at least seven tickets waiting for her once she gets back home.

Locking her car, Remy ran through the entrance, greeting the guard at the front as she showed him her ID.

"Mornin', Remy." The guard smiled in her direction as the dark haired woman gave him a rushed nod.

"Morning." She sounded out of breath as she ran through the glass doors and to the locker room. But it was never easy for Remy.

Before she would walk into the locker room, a person walked right in front of Remy. Stopping herself from trampling the person in front of her, she stopped walking entirely, her eyes immediately went up to meet the person.

"Remy, the person I was looking for!" Hal spoke with a grin.

The woman in question exhaled, running a stressed hand through her hair. "Hal, I'm running late-"

"Yeah, I've noticed. It's 11:30, hot stuff." Hal checked his watch as the engineer pushed past Hal and to the locker room.

Hal - persistent as ever - followed her into the engineering locker room as Remy was opening her locker and grabbing her jumpsuit.

"What is it?" Remy hissed, pulling the suit on and wrapping the sleeves around her waist. She put her hands on her hips and stared at Hal with an expectant look.

Hal opened his mouth to speak but another person enter the locker room. They took a look at Remy and Hal and immediately left without saying a word.

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