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"Remy, focus." Kyle crossed his arms over his chest tightly as he watched the rookie Green Lantern try to create some constructs. Kyle assured her that she could do it, but he could tell that Remy didn't believe in herself. She thinks that she can't do it.

Clenching her jaw, Remy stuck out her hand as her other held on to her wrist. She would have never guessed that creating constructs was this hard. 2814.1 does it like it's nothing and she can barely creating a ball of willpower. Kyle and every other Green Lantern could create constructs in milliseconds and Remy just could not make constructs!

"I can't do it!" Remy yelled, dropping her hand and throwing her head back. Kyle bit the inside of his cheek to hold in his laughter. Her struggle was funny to watch, she would flip out on him instantly and she got mad when her construct would just disappear.

Remy took her ring off, throwing it as far as she could into the distance as she grunted. She was not having it. This wasn't going anywhere and she wasn't getting better.

"I'm done. I'm officially the worst Green Lantern in the history of the universe." Remy ranted as her now ungloved hand ran through her hair as Kyle waited a moment for her to cool down. He placed a hand on her shoulder as she retracted her arm.

A smirk on Kyle's face made her feel uneasy as a bright green light appear beside Remy. Her eyes went wide as she immediately stuck her hand out, calling her ring over. Kyle was quicker, though, a bright sword was inches away from her face.

"Shit!" Remy managed to yell as the ring slipped into her finger and she had turned into Green Lantern. She put up a cross up on her arms and created a replica of Wonder Woman's bracelets, effectively deflected the green sword.

The sword hung in between the two bracelets as Kyle looked back up at Remy, a smile on his face. Remy's jaw was on the floor. She had created a construct, but not only that, it matched Kyle's will. Granted, he probably was lowering it for her, because if he didn't, her construct would have faded instantly.

Remy pushed his green sword with the bracelets still on, a smile not fading from her face. Kyle took a few steps back, his sword still in hand, as he also formed a shield on his other arm. Remy took a fighting stance, creating a sword as well.

"What are we? Knights?" Remy asked as she circled her enemy, who chuckled at her attempt of humor.

Kyle smirked as Remy would see green appear behind his back, a cape forming behind him as it trailed behind him as he walked in pace with her. Rolling her eyes playfully, Remy twisted her sword, waiting for his advance.

The intense stare held so much fire, Kyle swore he started sweating. He finally took initiative, lunging towards Remy with his sword aiming at her chest.

She blocked it, their swords clashing as Remy quickly threw him off. She countered, swiping her sword at his stomach, but Kyle knew better than that. He quickly flew upwards, easily dodging the green sword.

"Nice try." Kyle taunted, knowing his banter would get to her. Remy clenched her jaw, her hold on the sword turning her knuckles white. Kyle smirked smuggly, flying down as he aimed his sword once again.

This time, the sword broke Remy's sword immediately falling down to her throat. Her eyes met the sword as she felt the tip of it on her neck as Kyle smiled.


"Never." Remy grinned. She raised her arms and retracted her arm as quick as she could. Kyle noticed the action but it never actually registered until she hit both of her wrist together, sending a Wonder Woman bracelet wave.

Kyle flew backwards, landing on his back with a rather loud grunt. Remy grinned as the pair of bracelets faded whilst she walked towards the man.

"Really? I got Wonder Woman'ed?"


Yawning, Remy rubbed her eyes as she leaned over on her desk. She had been staring at all this paperwork, the words were starting to mix together.

Even with three cups of coffee, Remy wanted to fall over and sleep for the next week. But alas, she had to get money somehow. Being an intergalactic cop did not pay the bills, it didn't pay at all. With saving her sector more than enough times (with the help of 2814.1) and being the head of the Engineering department, she had no time for any type of social interaction other than stay hello to the guard outside of the building.

"Good morning!" The overly cheery voice of Hal was poison to Remy's ears. Her only response was an eye roll. The action was taken as a joke and Hal laughed it off.

Taking a big swing of her drink, Hal took a seat on Remy's desk, his expression slightly turning serious. Raising a brow, Remy put her cup down and turned her full attention to Hal. She knew that look - whenever Hal wanted to talk about something important, he would look like that.

She exhaled silently, leaning back in her chair as Hal put his hands in his lap.

"Hal, what's wrong?" Remy finally asked, breaking the silence between them.

"I should be asking you that. It's been awhile since you came over - have you talked to him?" Hal didn't need to specify who 'he' was or what that night was about, she knew exactly what he was talking about.

It was Remy's turn to become serious, her entire mood dropping from a simple question. Actually, there was nothing simple about it. If somebody asked Remy why Hal was the only person she could talk to without ever explaining anything, she would have shrugged. She couldn't answer that for herself, and yet, she couldn't outrun it for too long before it came and bit her in the ass.

"No, I haven't." Remy's response was clipped, not wanting to brush up on the subject any longer. She had only talked about her breakdown once and that was a few days after Hal came over and wanted answers but he had dropped it as quick as he had brought it up.

Hal's brow shot up, an unreadable expression crossed his face as Remy turned back to the files in front of her. The last thing she wanted to talk about was Will.

"And if you want to know," her voice dropped as she looked around as if Will would pop out at any second. "He hasn't made any attempts to reach me, so I would say the feeling is mutual."

Hal looked at her, skeptical. He inhaled, biting his lip as he looked like he was debating something internally.

The look that washed over him almost as serious as hers. "Well, do you want to talk about it?"

"I rather not have another breakdown in the middle of the office, thanks for the offer though." The defense mechanism popped back up through sarcasm. Hal rolled his eyes playfully as he stuck his hand in his pocket. He felt a little vibration, and it wasn't his phone.

Once he let his breath out, he looked back at the dark haired woman with the dawn of a serious expression, "Tonight, 7. I have something to tell you."

And with that, Hal stood up and walked off like nothing had happened between the two. She watched Hal's retreating back, confusion slapped across her features.

"You couldn't just tell me here?" Remy whispered to herself, slightly laughing to herself. Turning back to her piles of work, Remy closed her eyes and huffed in annoyance.

She stuffed her hands in her pockets, her pant pocket carrying her green lantern ring as she felt her phone vibrate violently. Furrowing a brow, Remy pulled out her phone and checked the name.


"Yeah, uh, can you come pick me up?"

Chloe's voice was creaky at best, it sounded like she had been crying for the last hour and from the rustling sound, she had to be outside. Remy took a look at the clock, clenching her jaw as she nodded.

"Yeah, yeah, where are you?"


cliffhangers for the win!

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