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"Hold on, before we get any further, I have to warn you." John paused walking through the streets of a city in Ugara. He turned to Remy, seriousness coming off him in waves as Remy knew he meant business.

He grabbed her arm, taking her to the side as Kyle and Guy continued walking. John stared down Remy, his brown eyes hardened. Remy's brows furrowed in confusion. Why did he need to talk to her and her alone?

"The Ugaran's are not very... welcoming to Green Lanterns. They have developed a way to drain the Green Lanterns of their will and their battery. This sudden change of will would cause changes to your body and quickly." John briefly explained, his eyes leaving Remy's for a second to look over to the other two lanterns before returning to Remy.

"What kinda changes?" Remy questioned, her hands finding its way to her hips.

"Like hallucinations, seeing things that aren't there, seeing what you want to see and hearing what you want to hear. I'm not 100% sure how long these changes affect the Lantern, but it lasts for at least 2 hours, Earth-time."

Remy swallowed silently but nodded nonetheless. She huffed as John turned away, assuming his position in the front of the pack. Remy followed behind him, silently searching for clues of their fallen friend.

Each street they had passed was another dead end, not a single clue about 2814.1 and his whereabouts. The silence was unnerving, Remy was already on edge and she was shaking from nervousness. This entire situation was her doing and if 2814.1 wasn't found soon, more problems are going to occur.

A small ruffle sound was heard from a distance, but all four of them hear it and quickly flew up into the sky and entered their battle stance. Fists raised, the quartet scanned the area, each one looking for the source of the sound. The only thing surrounding them was a building on their right and the rest of it was connected to the forest, only adding on to Remy's nerves.

John started to fly towards the forest, his ring draws backwards as a bright light admitted from his ring, covering the darker areas under the odd-looking trees. Remy stayed behind Guy and Kyle flew behind her, which she was perfectly content with.

Remy inhaled silently, the silence once again causing her to be a little jumpy. The streets and the forest seemed deserted, but all four of them had heard the noise, and it wasn't creaking from a building.

After minutes of fruitless searching, another sound was made. This time it was much louder. Remy perked up, hearing the yells of a battle cry near them. She raised her brow, looking at the origin of the noise until she flew closer to Kyle.

"Tell me you see that," Remy whispered, pointing to what she had just witnessed. Hoards of red people were running towards the four of them, weapons in hand as they showed no intention of stopping. Kyle clenched his jaw as he pulled his arm back, his features tense.

"Remy, stay back." Guy called out, taking point as he flew down to meet the hoards of people. She bit her tongue, against her better judgment, since that was the first time Guy had talked to her since the fight. But like hell Remy was just going to twiddle her thumbs, and watch as her friends get taken down. They are going to need all the help they can get.

You do know that you are talking about two Lantern Honor Guards and one of the leaders of the Green Lantern Corps, right? What are you going to do, provide them with moral support?

Before Kyle flew down to join Guy, he turned to Remy, graveness dripping off of his words as he spoke. "Remy. Stay here."

Furrowing her brows, Remy had never heard Kyle speak like that to anybody, let alone, her. She held her own in battle, and if all else fails, the ring would take her away from the fight, so she didn't see the problem. But she had done enough rule-breaking for her career as a green lantern, so she was going to stay here, but she isn't going to sit idly by and wait for her knight in shining armors to fight for her.

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