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Turning the car on and slamming the gas was probably not the best for her mustang, but the engine roared to life and flew across the dark street.

Remy bit her lip nervously, her vision thinning due to the lack of lights in the slums of Coast City. She had no clue what Chloe was doing here, but one thing was certain, Chloe was in deep shit.

There was no way Chloe would cross to this side of town, especially because the Tezac's ran this side of town, for good reason and she better have one.

Too many thoughts were running through her head, about why Chloe would even be here and most of them contained at least one illegal act. Remy tried not to assume the worst, but it was hard not to. Just the scenery was enough for Remy to turn right back around and go home.

Remy also debated if she should've came as Green Lantern but way too many questions would have popped up and Remy wasn't ready to expose herself her just yet.

But, if push came to shove, her ring was on her finger and ready to be used. She only knows basic constructs, but she could whip up a kickass energy blast.

Seeing a small figure in the side of the road, Remy pulled over. Chloe's clothes were all ripped, a small blanket on her shoulders as she looked like she was shivering.

The blonde haired woman entered the car silently, the car light turning on just in time for Remy to see her face clearly. Her make smeared badly, mascara cascaded down her face. Guilt, fear, and panic quickly arose in Remy's chest as she took a look at her friend.


No, no, NO.

Remy refused to believe it. She knew exactly what happened to Chloe. She knew exactly what Chloe had done. The way her words slurred, but it wasn't drunken slur. Remy grew up knowing those exact slurs.

Her jaw visibly tensed, as her knuckles turned white against the steering wheel. The slur wasn't enough to accuse her of something so vile, something disgusting. She had to make sure.

"Chloe, give me your arm."

The woman in question lazily looked over to Remy, a slight smile on her face as she unwrapped the blanket from her arms and stretched a little. She was acting like everything was okay, because that is what it did to you.

After a moment, Chloe threw over her arm to Remy. Remy didn't want to acknowledge it. She wished she didn't see it, but she knew it was already too late.

She couldn't unsee the circular red dots littered across her arm.

Remy threw Chloe's arm off of her and shook her head. "Fuck!" A string of curse words came one after another as Remy turned to engine back on and started to speed on the empty city streets.

Chloe was whispering things under her breath and giggling as she sent looks over to Remy. Tears started to well up in her eyes as her vision blurred. She was trying to get her phone, trying but failing.

Remy drove like a madman, the car was swerving and with her speed, it was a miracle how she didn't get pulled over yet. Finally grabbing her phone, it was ungodly how fast she hit Hal's name in her phone.

It took one ring for him to answer, which Remy thanked god for.

"Remy? Are you okay?" Concern quickly filled his tone as his rushed voice filled the speaker phone.

"Yes, I'm-I'm fine, but I going to need your help."


"Oh god..." Hal's voice dropped once Remy explained the situation her best friend was in. He helped her carry her into her bedroom and onto the bed. Once she passed out and was fully unconscious, they closed the door and took a seat in the living room.

She closed her eyes and dropped her head into her hands. She really tried. How could she let this happen to her best friend? She could save random aliens from any other planet, but somehow, she didn't notice her friend slipping away from her.

Tears managed to escape her eyes as she silently sobbed into her hands. Hal took a seat beside her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. Remy accepted the gesture, leaning into his body as he held her sobbing figure.

Hal didn't say a word. He could see the Green Lantern ring just resting on her ring finger, waiting to be called upon, but he made sure that Kilowog or any lantern didn't contact her. He knew he was going to get crap from Guy and John, but he could handle that.

"It's alright," Hal tried to soothe his friend's mind, but he knew that his attempts were futile, yet it didn't stop him from trying.

Remy's body racked with sobs as she silently cried into Hal's chest. She didn't know why it was Hal who would come to her aid whenever she called and he always made sure that she was okay. It was honestly relaxing just to be around him, it's like when she talked about the green lanterns (really vaguely anyway), it was like he could relate.

Minutes passed of dead silence, Hal didn't move an inch and Remy was thankful for that. Her tears finally dried as she retracted herself from his body, much to her dismay. She wiped her remaining tears on her sleeve, finally regaining her common sense back and some part of her dignity.

"It's alright, baby girl."

"Oh god, it's like everytime I see you, I cry." A chuckle escaped Hal's lips, the beautiful sound that was a rarity nowadays. Remy smiled as her gaze dropped to her hand, and she noticed the green ring on her finger.

Crap, crap, crap! I am screwed!

"You, uh, a Green Lantern fan?" Hal asked, something like smuginess behind his words as he gestured to her ring.

Remy chuckled nervously as she nodded. "Uh, yeah. He saved me this one time and I thought he was super hot and... I'm going to stop talking now."

She closed her eyes tightly as she leaned back into the couch. Her past was coming back to haunt her in the worst ways. It was like, she had the most powerful weapon in the universe, yet, she couldn't even protect her friends. The next thing she knew would be that Hal would crash in a fighter jet.

"What do I do? My best friend, who I don't even know if she is my best friend anymore, is taking drugs. Not only is she taking drugs, she is taking heroin. Fucking heroin! She is just like..."


Hal exhaled softly, putting his hand on her shoulder. He bit the inside of his cheek, trying to find a way to help her, how to tell her that it wasn't her fault.

She closed her eyes once more, exhaling as she looked over at Hal.

"I-I'm sorry that I brought you in this again."

"No, no, it's fine, Remy. A long as you don't hold it in, I'm here for you whenever you need me."


cute moments with Hal is what I live for

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