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"I am going to murder Kilowog, it's official!" Remy muttered under her breath, creating a green sling for herself as her arm still hasn't recovered. Slowly, more and more injuries started to appear, a black eye was one she was also sporting today. Training has been one big thorn in her side and not only that, training with 2814.1 suddenly got harder.

Learning constructs and fighting the infamous 2814.1, it wasn't something to take lightly. That man has an imagination that rivaled the entire corps. It was insane, she could never take him on and it would leave her with more injuries than Kilowog - but that was her mentor.

Sighing, Remy grabbed her apartment keys from her 'workout bag', that was her excuse for all these injuries - she was taking self-defense classes because she 'got attacked'. The lies kept on piling up, but the guilt hasn't hit her yet. She had been too caught up with Green Lantern business to deal with anything on Earth. It was crazy to believe that anybody could live these two lives and be totally cool.

Well, 2814.1 probably lives lavishly so he doesn't need to worry about actually working or anything, Remy thought bitterly about her mentor - who has yet to reveal himself to her! - as she opened the door to her apartment. The lights were on all over the place so she knew she wasn't alone.

Almost immediately, Remy dropped her bag and her right hand flew to her lantern ring. She was about to slip it on her finger when somebody walked out from the hallway, their arms crossed as they walked closer to her.

Tugging at the sling on her arm, Remy closed the door behind her as she retracted her hand from her pocket. There was only one other person that had the keys to the apartment;


"And where have you been?" His tone was low, even, but she caught the underlying anger in his words. Will stopped a few feet away from her, his eyes glaring into Remy's. The woman in question closed her eyes as she huffed outwardly. She was drained, to say the least.

Slowly, Remy started to notice that Will wasn't buying it anymore - nobody was, to be honest. Chloe started hanging out less with her lying best friend and she only talked to her when she was at work. It was starting to take a mental toll on her as well as a physical.

"Classes, like I told you." Remy lied smoothly, walking to the kitchen to grab something to drink. She didn't risk taking off her jacket and her ring fall out so she kept it on. Will glared at Remy, his head tilting to the side as he said nothing.

Remy grabbed a water bottle, unscrewing the cap and taking a long swing of the drink. Will exhaled loudly, his posture stiffening as Remy turned back to him.

"Yeah, that excuse isn't gonna cut it anymore." Will's tone nearly scared her half to death, but she had been training with the devil himself, Kilowog, so she had got used to fear and how to get over it. That had been the reason she was asked to join the lanterns.

Remy's eyes connected with Will's, a fire burning within them. She didn't have to say a word but with that step towards him, she was challenging him. Remy clenched her jaw tightly, putting - more like slamming - the water bottle onto the marble island. She didn't even care about the pain that shot up her arm as she crossed her arms.

"It has to." Remy sneered, her expression stone.

"I'm going to ask you again, where the hell were you?" Will took a threatening step to Remy, his arms uncrossing as their two glares could start a fire.

Who in the hell did he think he was? Talking to me and scolding me as if he was my mother! Remy shook her head, her brows furrowing as she looked elsewhere.

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