Chapter 8: Falling pt2

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Third Person POV

The next night was....less annoying. At the limo Ayato kept glancing at kitsuna who was just minding her own business. He blushes when he was thinking of her in the short blue dress. Reiji was looking at Ayato confused. "Ayato, Why are you quiet today? It's really strange and you keep glancing at Kitsuna a lot." He stated. Ayato stayed silent not wanting to talk, Reiji frowned and looked at Kitsuna reading a book. "Miss Kitsuna will you tell me what's going on with Ayato?" He asked. She looked at Laito who was holding his laughter since he saw the video. "Watch my YouTube video that's where you'll get the answer." She said and continue reading. Reiji sighs and took his phone out. He went to YouTube that he doesn't really used and typed GamerWxlf. He clicked the very first video and watched.

Shu, Kanato, and Subaru did the same...20 minutes later they glared at Ayato who was blushing a lot. "Well Ayato. You will have a punishment waiting for you at home so be prepared." Ayato melted slowly to the ground making Laito laugh his ass off. When the limo stopped all the boys got out and everyone screamed. Well except for the boys there just glared at Ayato. When Kitsuna got out the scream grew louder then before.






She walked next to Reiji and held his hand making him stop to look at her. "Yes?" . "Mind if I do the punishment to Ayato?" She asked and Reiji thought about and nodded making Ayato feel jelly. She the walked back at the middle and smirked making the brothers look at her with Curiosity well...except for Ayato and laito. "DO YOU GUYS KNOW WHO WAS THE BOY I KICKED OUT OF MY ROOM?!?!" She shouted.




Kitsuna POV

I giggled. "ARE YOU SURE YOU CAN BEAT HIM UP?? I KNOW THE GIRLS WON'T!! Maybe." I said and they kept shouting who it was. "HIS NAME IS AYATO SAKAMAKI!" I shouted. Everyone became silent for a moment and the next thing I knew they ran after Ayato. I walked up to the others. "Well Ayato will have bruises, broken legs, and bandages if you guys wanna save him good luck." I said and walked away. They went to their separate ways and I followed Reiji to class.

~Time skipped~

It was my free period so all I did is went to the rooftop and read my book. It was so peaceful until someone ruined it. I heard the rooftop door slammed open and closed. I did hear heavy pants since I don't know who it was I hid. "Finally lost them. I'm gonna punish her!" A familiar voice said. "No one punishes the great Ore-sama!" My face went from worried to a frown. I walked out of my hiding spot and looked at him. "Seriously punish me? Your the one who barged in my room and your gonna punish me?" I asked him. He looked at me fuming. "Don't talk to Ore-Sama like that!" . "Or what gonna drink my blood? Go ahead that's what you always do! You are always thirsty for blood and care about yourself then others! You don't even know who they felt!" I shouted at him and he was taken from my words.

"So Don't you dare call yourself ore-sama cause your nothing, but an arrogant selfish vampire that doesn't care anyone's feelings and only using them to satisfy your needs!" I shouted nd took a deep breath. I looked at his face and dude he is pissed. He looked at me angrily and started to walk closer I keep backing up whenever he does. "Don't you even dare talk to me like that you pathetic human being! You have no idea what I have been through in my childhood! You have no right to talk back to me or my brothers cause you and your sister is nothing, but our bloodbank! We only drink from your sister cause we are saving your precious blood and if we ever need it we will get it!" With every single words he spoke he kept getting closer and me backing up making me stop at the edge of the roof. "A-Ayato stop. I'm sorry for what I said, but please this isn't the place to argue!" I said looking behind me. "I don't care! Your just a worthless mortal and a blood bank to me! I will suck your blood wether you like it or not and you will never stop me!!" He then pushed me off the rooftop making me fall.

My eyes widen and looked at him from the top his face went from anger to shock and saw what he did. "AYATO!!!" I screamed and fell to the floor feeling a lot of pain. I blacked out from that and didn't know what happened next...I guess this is my true to die.

Third Person POV

When Kitsuna screamed making all the students at school run to where it was. Ayato's face showed horror and saw what he did. He ran downstairs as fast as he can to were Kitsuna's lifeless body. When he was there he saw everyone shocked and people crying their tears out. He pushed through the crowds and saw Kitsuna's lifeless body. Subaru was holding her close and crying his eyes out. Shu held Kitsuna's hand tightly and Laito covered his face with his hat crying. Reiji looked at Ayato and grabbed him by the collar pushing him to the wall. "What did you do Ayato?!" He screamed at him and Ayato stayed quiet looking at Kitsuna's body starting to tear up. "Answer me goddamn it!" He shouted. Shu placed his hand on Reiji shoulder making him look at him. Shu shook his head no. "His not important right now Reiji...we have to save her before it's too the limo hurry."Reiji nodded letting Ayato go and pull his phone out. Shu glared at Ayato before walking back to Subaru before he could talk to Subaru, subaru placed Kitsuna down gently and stomped towards to Ayato punching his face.

"YOU ARROGANT BASTARD! SHE DOESNT DESERVE THIS ONLY YOU! ALL SHE DID WAS TELL HER FANS ABOUT THAT STUPID VIDEO AND ALL YOU DID IS PUSH HER OFF THE ROOFTOP! I SHOULDN'T BE HER LAYING ON THE GROUND IT SHOULD BE YOU!!" Subaru shouted punching Ayato. Kanato and Laito held him back and Subaru started to struggle to beat Ayato again. "LET ME GO I WANNA KILL THIS PIEC OF SHIT!!" He shouted. "Subaru that's enough. There's nothing we can do about it. Kitsuna needs is more then him so quit it will ya?" Subaru stopped struggling and pushed them away walking towards Shu carrying Kitsuna. Reiji came back and told everyone the limo is there.

~Time skipped in 3 Days later~

Kitsuna was hooked into machines in her room. Subaru hasn't left her side for three days straight. He will only leave if he needs to use the bathroom, eat, taking a shower, or if someone else is in the room. Ayato was forbidden to visit Kitsuna and all her fans was worried sick about her. Markiplier got the news about Kitsuna's state so he made a video about her not being able to make a video and such. Yui still herself trying to attract the brothers attention, but it didn't work and she's forbidden to visit Kitsuna as well since they don't even know if she can be trusted. Ayato asked Laito of how she was doing, all Laito said is 'she's unconscious because of you.' Ayato stopped asking about her and just stood next to Kitsuna's door. He kept saying sorry a lot and kept crying. Yui just...well doesn't give a shit and tries a lot to get their attention when she does something deplorable Reiji would just punish her by cleaning the whole house and I meant the WHOLE entire house.

Shu visited Kitsuna's room and Subaru walked out going to the garden to pick some roses for Kitsuna. Shu held Kitsuna's hand and kissed it. "I hope you wake up soon...we're not the same without you here." He said and started to cry which is now often. Shu grabbed his phone sniffing and played a song that she liked.

**play the song**

When the song was over Shu got up and left the room. Little did he know her fingers twitched.

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