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The fire danced in the most mesmerizing way. Lauren stared into it, finding it utterly calming. Something about the way the flames licked back and forth, up and down in a never-ending ballet lulled her somewhere peaceful.

It was nice out. She didn't know what time it was, probably close to ten, but it had been a relaxing evening. As she sat with her friends on the beach, she felt the stress of the city sliding off her exponentially. They'd enjoyed some fantastic conversation around the fire after a killer round of cheeseburgers prepared for them by Ally and Dinah, the tag-team duo of BBQ greatness. They'd even worn matching aprons, which was cute and obnoxious in tandem.

As night had fallen, the temperature had followed suit. Normani's dog, Elvis, exhausted from frolicking along the shoreline, snoozed on his side next to the fire. To combat the chill, the five of them had draped themselves with blankets and slipped into hoodies, but the fire put out enough heat to make the night feel comfortable, cozy even.

Earlier that day, after picking up Ally's girlfriend, Demi, and of course, Elvis, they'd made the two-hour drive from the city in a giant SUV Lauren had borrowed from her father, collector of all things automotive. He'd graciously handed her the keys and kissed her on the cheek after one of their traditional lunches the day prior, telling her to enjoy the weekend and take care of the house.

She wouldn't let him down on either count.

Once they arrived in Montauk, they'd quickly unloaded the car, carrying groceries, wine, and beach supplies into Lauren's family's beach house.

"So this place is yours?" Demi asked as she stood in the entryway and looked upward to the ceiling that towered two-stories tall in the living room. "It's gorgeous, and I'm not just saying that because it's a nice thing to say. It truly is."

"Thanks," Lauren said. "But it's technically a family home, not all mine. My brothers and sisters and I trade weekends. The décor all comes from my mother, however. All custom finishes."

"I can tell." Demi turned to her in sincerity as her three friends whirled past in a flash of chatter about bathing-suit colors and which BBQ sauce was the most kick-ass. "I just wanted to say thank you for including me this weekend. I'm really happy to be here."

"Of course. I'm glad you made it." Lauren and Demi had come a long way from their days of hating each other on the corporate battlefield, and Lauren could honestly say that Demi was a good person, and surprisingly quite likable. Apparently, it was best not to judge a person until you knew them. Lesson learned.

After everything had been unpacked and deposited in its proper place, Dinah and Ally met in the living room for their traditional game of Rock-Paper-Scissors to determine who got the good room. Well, the second-best room, really, as Lauren's was the luxurious master with a balcony facing the beach and the Jacuzzi tub to die for.

"Don't be a cheater," Dinah warned Ally. "You're often a cheater. I know this because I've met you."

Ally narrowed her gaze at Dinah. "Please. What I am is good at this game and you're terrified. That's what's going on here."

Demi seemed to be following the showdown with mild concern. "Babe, why don't we let Dinah and Mani have the good room? We'll be happy wherever."

"That's really not the point," Ally whispered back.

"You should listen to your girlfriend," Dinah said, joining the whispering.

Normani glanced over at Demi and held her hands palms up. "You should know that I couldn't care less what room I sleep in."

Demi bumped Normani's shoulder with her own. "That's because you're low maintenance in the most awesome way possible."

"Why, thank you," Normani answered, smiling.

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