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"How in the world I let you talk me into this, I have no idea," Camila said as they made their way gradually into Lauren's apartment. It had been easier than Lauren thought it would be, getting Camila from the cab to the elevator. She could walk pretty much on her own, as long as they took it extra slow. Anything that required movement of her left arm was a bit more difficult, however.

"Because I'm very persuasive," Lauren told her, sliding the door closed behind them. "It's a gift."

"Don't remind me."

"Hey!" Lauren said, passing Camila a glance.

"Please. You love persuading people to do things."

She looked skyward. "Yeah, I kinda do. Let's get you settled." She stood nearby as Camila gingerly lowered herself onto the couch, just in case she needed help.

"Now what can I get you? Nursemaid Lauren, here."

"I've had Buddy Lauren and now I get Nursemaid Lauren? This day just gets better and better. Water?" Camila asked. "I'd kill for some water. And maybe a sidecar of Scotch." Lauren eyed her. "Kidding. The pain pills have me fuzzy enough as it is."

It had been just after eight that night when Camila had been officially discharged from the hospital and sent home with a bottle of pain pills and instructions to rest. The idea of sending Camila to her own apartment to fend for herself just wasn't an option in Lauren's mind, so she'd managed to convince Camila to stay with her.

And after delivering the glass of water, Lauren turned her attention to unpacking the bag she'd packed for Camila earlier in the day, settling her in a bit. This presented a momentary dilemma for Lauren, because while she'd be more than happy to let Camila stay in her room as she always had in the past, she also knew that under the present circumstances, it was less than appropriate to push that angle. Camila was injured and skittish, and in this capacity, she was Camila's friend. Nothing more. So instead, she carried the bag into the small guest room across from her own room and went about setting out Camila's things for easy access.

"Want to maybe get some sleep?" Lauren asked when she re-entered the living room and found the brunette relaxing her head on the cushion. It was only nine thirty, but Camila's body probably needed the extra rest and she looked beyond exhausted.

"Just walking a little bit kind of took the wind out of me, but I think maybe I'll watch some TV first, if that's okay. I probably need to chat with Shawn too. Make sure everything's okay at Havana. And update Karla and let her know I'm out of the hospital. She's been freaking out."

"Shawn's a pro. That place is in good hands. You need to focus on you. Can you do that?"

Camila nodded. "I can try." After a brief phone call to Karla, Camila turned to an episode of Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives, and Lauren took a seat in the club chair next to the couch and looked over some of her notes from work. Every once in a while she'd catch Camila's smile at something on the show or laugh quietly at the zany host with the spiky hair. It hadn't escaped Lauren that she damn well could have lost Camila this week, and the idea was almost too much to consider. Watching her now, in this quiet moment, she knew how lucky she was that Camila was not only all right but going to make a full recovery.

"Do you ever watch this show?" Camila asked her, gesturing at the credits now rolling on the television.

Lauren focused on the question, pulled from her thoughts. "Once or twice. It's much more fun with you in the room though. You seem to enjoy it. I like that."

"I do like it." They shared a smile. "You're super studious over there though. What are you working on?"

"I landed us a new dog-food client not long ago. Ally put together a great commercial spot for them, and now we're trying to organize the logistics of the shoot. I've got some pricing that Dinah sent me for locations. I'm compiling it all to present to the client this next week."

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