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Lauren held Camila tight as she brought her down from orgasm gently with her mouth. She moved up her body, kissing first her breast, then her collarbone and her throat. Finally she found Camila's lips and kissed her long and hard, leaving her mouth swollen and perfect. Moments before, Camila had burst into wild shudders in her arms, and it had easily been one of her favorite visuals.

"Remember that control thing you have?" Camila asked, recapturing her breath. Lauren nodded, and smiled as she looked down at the brunette. "I think you like to practice it in the bedroom."

"A definite possibility."

It had felt good to take exactly what she wanted and steadied her somehow to take the reins after such an off-kilter week. They were still new to each other, but she was learning Camila's body. What she liked. Where she was most sensitive. God, did she love each new discovery.

"Do you always wear matching underwear sets? Because I'm all in favor," Camila said, referencing Lauren's attire. While Camila was completely naked—Lauren had taken care of that—she still wore her burgundy and black combo, one of her favorite sets.

"I guess I do."

Camila shook her head slowly. "How am I going to survive you?"

She traced the outside of Camila's breast. "I trust you'll find a way."

"I'm going to have to try." With that, Camila sent her hands down Lauren's back, down to her ass, where she cupped it and pulled Lauren tight against her. Lauren gasped and closed her eyes at the onslaught of sensation the proximity evoked. She was beyond ready and had been for some time already. Before she knew what hit her, Camila had her on her back, eyes flashing.

"Kinda proud of yourself right now, aren't you?" Lauren asked and nipped gently up at Camila's lips.

"Kinda am." Camila pulled the cups of her bra down, releasing her breasts in one motion. As she circled a nipple aggressively with her tongue, Lauren moaned quietly, too good not to. And then her bra was gone completely, and then her panties, which was good. At this point, she didn't need a pre-show. She rocked her hips against Camila's thigh as the throbbing between her legs became nearly unbearable. She'd been turned on since she first touched the brunette beauty, and now her desire rested somewhere beyond calculation.

Camila crawled down her body as Lauren sucked in much-needed air. The touch of Camila's tongue against her center was almost Lauren's undoing. Camila blew a breath over Lauren that shot her heart rate into the stratosphere. She moaned quietly, because Camila's tongue was back, and God, did it do things to her. Camila tasted, teased, and tormented Lauren until she'd balled the sheet in her fists and writhed in hot desperation beneath Camila's mouth.

Her muscles quivered as the pressure continued to build. Camila entered her then, swift and sure, and the result had Lauren lurching from the bed as fireworks exploded behind her eyes in glorious release. Camila had an arm wrapped around Lauren's waist to hold her in place, all the while pumping harder, taking Lauren to heights she could scarcely fathom. She called out as one spasm shot into another and then another. She gave herself over to Camila fully, wondering if she knew what Lauren was feeling, which was entirely too much. In bed, they fit together perfectly, Lauren realized, still moving against Camila's hand. They had been explosive together once again.

"That was probably the sexiest experience of my life," Camila told her as she settled next to Lauren in bed. "You do things to me that I still haven't quite figured out."

"We're pretty awesome in bed together."

"Yes, but I was talking about all of it." It was an honest admission, and there was nothing guarded or shielded in the way Camila looked at her now. This was the two of them, connecting openly and honestly. "Every time the door to the bar opens, do you know I glance up to see if it might be you?"

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