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"So it's official, you guys are a thing?" Ally asked from the treadmill next to Lauren's. They ran together a couple of mornings a week in front of the giant picture window at the fitness club down the street from the loft. Running kept Lauren's head focused and in the game. As she pushed her body, she stared out at the bustling city below as the stress eased off her with each stride. Their morning runs were also her chance to check in with Ally, their one-on-one time, which she'd come to value quite a lot.

"I don't know if I'd go that far, Ally. But I like her. A lot."

"But you're officially dating?"

Lauren considered the question. "It kind of feels that way, but we haven't discussed it formally. It's a little gray, if I'm being honest."

"Does that mean sex was had?"

Lauren opened her mouth to answer and closed it, not sure how much she wanted to say. It didn't matter though, as Lauren saw right through her.

"Oh, my word, it has. That's why you're all loose and smiley. You got laid properly. It was properly, wasn't it?"

"God, yes," Lauren said, then passed Ally a follow-up look for emphasis.

Ally sent one hand into the air and let out a cheer, which garnered several curious stares from nearby runners. She turned to the onlookers and informed them politely, "Lauren Jauregui has re-entered the dating world. Hence, the cheering." She turned back to Lauren. "I should take out a press release, as this is kinda hot news."

"What you should do is lower your voice and stop bothering the other runners." But it was kind of fun, the high she was on from her time with Camila. She reminded herself to remain cautious and in control, however. That was key.

"Impossible," Ally said. "I'm excited. I have to be free to express my emotions, Lo. In fact, I'm so keyed up now that I'm ready to make this run my bitch." Ally turned the dial on the treadmill, and Lauren heard it whir in response to the acceleration. Never one to be outdone, she followed suit, matching Ally's stride for stride. Though her calves screamed and her shoulders pulled, Lauren welcomed the workout and relied on it to clear her head, as there was a lot going on in there. In addition to wrapping her mind around the really awesome night with Camila, she'd yet to fully examine the events at her parents' anniversary party, nor had she mentioned it to anyone but the brunette. But the memory stung acutely even now.

She'd have to talk to him eventually, her dad.

The city was too small not to, and come on, this was her father she was talking about, which is what made the whole thing so surreal. The guy she turned to for everything. But the anger that flashed alongside the memory reminded her how upside-down the world felt of late, for both the good and the bad. It was a little jarring—and one of the reasons Lauren hated roller coasters.

They brought chaos.

"So did she stay over?" Lauren distantly heard Ally ask. She forced herself to rejoin the conversation.

"Stay over?"

"At your place. I just assumed it was your place. Was it her place? I'll need the sexy details, please."

"How about just some basics?"

"Only if they're sexy basics."

"Fine. My place. She stayed over but left early. She had some sort of delivery at Havana."

"Was there a good-bye kiss?"

Lauren smiled. "There was. A good one."

Ally shook her head as she ran. "I cannot believe you landed Hot Bartender. Do you know how many of those girls at Havana would kill to be you?"

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