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Camila had perfected the one-handed pour to masterful measures, but in an even happier turn of events, she no longer had to employ it. She turned to Shawn as she mixed a White Russian with both arms in play. "I'm kind of a rock star again, do you realize this?"

Shawn stared at her. "You're not bad. But I'm saving my celebration for when you can put on a show again. I miss it a little, as do your fans." It was true that with the broken ribs, she wasn't able to toss glasses or juggle ingredients the way she sometimes would, but that part was just for glitz anyway. "When are you cleared for business as usual?" he asked.

"I met with the doctor yesterday, and he said I'm healing well. Shower time is down from ten to eight minutes, which I personally take satisfaction in. He thinks within two weeks, I should be back to my old self. I'm shooting for one."

"Because you're stubborn. Am I interrupting?"

Camila turned to find Lauren standing there, her forearms on the bar. "No, you are not, but it's the middle of the workday and you're in a bar. So against the Lauren rules. The people might find out."

She smiled. "You would think, but I'm actually here for reasons outside of a good time."

"A shame," said Shawn.

"So do you guys have a second?"

Camila nodded. "We do. What's up?"

"So, call me crazy, but I think little Miss Ashlee might have walked off with your missing cash."

"As in Ashlee the cocktail waitress? You think she's the thief?" Camila asked. "I somehow don't see that matching up."

Shawn swivelled in Lauren's direction, interested. "Why do you say that?"

Lauren went on to recount a conversation with her parents' friends, the Junos, over lunch. "So there's no way she's working at a law firm by day, is there?" Lauren asked.

Camila shook her head. "No. She's never mentioned coordinating with another work schedule."

"Yet she somehow comes into a large raise and a bonus to boot right around the time your bank drop goes missing?"

"The timing is a little suspect," Shawn said. "It would explain a lot."

Lauren held up her hands. "Just talk to her. That's all I'm saying. And with that, I have to leave this place and return to work. Oh, before I go, how are you feeling?"

Camila smiled. "I'm feeling good today. Lots of stamina. I'm like Rocky II at the end." She did a couple of slow-motion jabs.

"That's what I want to hear. See you two later."

"Hey, Laur?" Camila called.

She turned back. "Yeah?"

"Thanks." They shared a smile.


Camila watched as Lauren exited the bar, reminded of just how awesome she was. "Would you prefer to stare longingly at the door some more or maybe get some work done?" Shawn said quietly in her ear.

Camila threw a towel at him. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Right. Of course you don't. But I have one piece of advice, if you're willing to listen."

"You give me advice now?"

"I do. It's awesome."

Camila sighed. "And what is your sage advice?"

"Don't wait too long," he said pointedly. And with that, Shawn picked up a rag and rounded the bar.

"What is that supposed to mean?" she called after him.

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