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The timer dinged, and Lauren slid into the kitchen in her socks to retrieve the amazing nachos she'd been dreaming about all day at work. Lunch with her parents had so much going on she'd actually forgotten to eat, making this mid-evening meal one she'd looked forward to in a monumental way.

"Oh, hello, tasty nachos," she said to the cheesy chips beneath the oven light. "Where have you been all my life?" She scooped up the tray from the oven and went about adding the necessary accouterments of amazing, namely tomatoes and sour cream.

The door slid open, signaling Camila's arrival, which was more than fine with her.

"Hey, you. How's the bar?"

"Busy when I left, but Shawn has it under control. He'll require some much-deserved time off once I'm back to full-time, and definitely a raise."

"Good call. He's a keeper. You look great, by the way. You seem happy. Is that it? I can't put my finger on it."

Camila smiled. "It's been that kind of day. And you were right by the way."

"About Ashlee?"

Camila nodded. "She returned nearly all the money and we parted ways."

Lauren covered her mouth. "Wow. I thought it was possible, but wow."

"I have you to thank. So thank you." Camila's eyes held an intensity Lauren hadn't seen in quite a while. It had her heart beating a little faster, and for that reason, she moved out of the situation, not wanting to make Camila feel uncomfortable. She could be patient.

Lauren shrugged. "Not necessary. It was more of a right-place, right-time kind of scenario." She picked up her plate and headed into the living room, intent to sink into the couch and unwind from her day and somehow forget the moment they'd just shared out of self-preservation. But Camila's voice stopped her and caused her to turn back.

"So I'll have that repayment check for you tomorrow."

"Sure. Whenever you get around to it." Lauren knew the money issue was a touchy topic between them and didn't want to dwell on it.

"You were very generous to lend me the money, and I should have been more gracious in accepting."

Lauren met her eyes. "I was happy to do it."

"Because you're always happy to help. It's your nature. You don't have an unkind bone in your body."

They were touching words. "Thank you."

"I also love that you love nachos."

Lauren took a moment with the conversation leap. "You do? That was kind of a non sequitur though."

Camila nodded. "Regardless, it's adorable. I also like all the lists that keep you going. There's one on the refrigerator now and probably fifteen in your phone. Those lists are very you."

Lauren narrowed her gaze, not following the new direction of conversation. "What's going on with you? Are you on pain meds?" Whatever it was had Lauren's heart beating a mile a minute in her chest, because it felt like something big was about to happen.

"And you're sexy as hell in just about anything that you wear, which is pure bonus, if I'm being honest. But a fantastic bonus at that." At the comment, Lauren's stomach turned over in the most awesome way. Camila moved toward her, closing the distance between them. "When I first noticed you at the bar, I thought you were pretty and I had a definite crush, but I had no idea that behind it all was the woman standing in front of me right now. Smart, and funny, and the best kisser on planet Earth."

That's when a horrible thought came over Lauren. Was this Camila's way of telling her good-bye for good? Complimenting her to cushion the blow? She wasn't sure she could take that.

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